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Elsie could admit to being many things. Socially awkward, shy, argumentative at times, and always one for having an answer back. But one thing she certainly wasn't, was a morning person. So, it stood to reason that when morning came, she winced and grumbled irritably over the white walls which confronted her. This whole white getup was starting to get old, very fast. Sure, her trailer, or at least the one she had been permitted to stay in, was little less to be desired, but at least it wasn't stark blindingly white.

Sitting up, she ignored the fact that her slightly wavy white hair was sticking up at odd angles, she flung her legs over the bed and stood slowly. Stretching her arms above her head, she went onto her tiptoes and stretched some more. Wincing at the sounds of joints popping she rolled her arms in their sockets and went padding out of her room.

The overly baggy t-shirt she wore acted as a suitable nightie, she thought, though naturally when she stepped into the main space and was confronted with more people than just Raven – who she really expected to be the only person out here – she groaned silently.

It was clear that being confronted with a half asleep woman, in a man's extra large t-shirt, which stopped about mid-thigh, was something which did not happen often. If at all. If ever. Raven seemed to be the only person present who didn't care. "Morning!" The ever bubbly blonde haired girl came rushing over to her. She laughed at the confused bleary eyed look Elsie sent her way. "Come on, have some breakfast, you must be hungry?" Raven asked with a grin while waving over to the main kitchen space, which had a large table – white, yet again – positioned in it with numerous chairs surrounding it.

Elsie made an effort to tug at the hem of the t-shirt to pull it down, only to fail and end up being shoved lightly into a seat. She rubbed her eyes and looked around before finally smiling at Charles and Erik. Charles for the most part just seemed to look at her strangely, with a distant look, while Erik frowned and hit his friend on the arm.

"It is rude to stare, Charles. Did no one teach you this as a child?" Erik questioned while returning back to the newspaper in his hand.

"Good morning!" Charles said lightly, earning a sidewards look from Erik, which resulted in him rolling his eyes and sighing heavily, and a raised eyebrow and confused look to be sent his way by Elsie.

Looking to the plate which was suddenly placed in front of her, Elsie smiled thankfully up at Raven. She naturally smiled back and sat down by her side. Picking up her glass of orange juice she seemed to absent-mindedly sip at it while looking to her companions. "Is it good?" Elsie mumbled while biting into her toast. "I mean...yes, good morning, everyone."

"Are there reasons for the morning to not be good so far?" Charles asked instantly concerned that something was wrong.

"Other than getting blinded by a wall? No, no everything is fine. Don'tcha worry." Elsie smiled and then looked back to Raven. "Find any paint?"

"No," she smirked and just seemed to smile more when Charles looked between them lost.

"Damn," Elsie muttered and continued eating. She wanted the white walls gone. The prospect of waking up to being blinded each morning caused her to frown and bite irritably into the piece of toast in her hand. "What's everyone's plans for the day?"

"I already asked that, and do you know what I got?" Raven asked, beating Charles to answering. For the most part Erik didn't seem to care about joining in with the conversation. Though he did flick his gaze around at those gathered before returning back to the paper. "'You get to stay here, while Erik and I go recruiting.'"

"I did not use those words exactly." Charles defended himself with a quiet laugh.

Raven sent him a look which would make anyone else fidget uncomfortably in their chair. Charles however just sipped at his coffee and smiled rather cheerily at her. "No, you may not have. But that's what you basically meant."

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