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Being upside down was horrific. Be fair, everything so far about this whole journey had been horrific, Elsie couldn't deny that. Especially the last part, that specifically was horrid. She would surely be having nightmares about that for months to come. With a strained expression she looked to Raven. "You good?"

"Well...no, but I'll survive." Raven replied and glanced her way. "You?"

"Light headed, but yeah...good...I suppose." Elsie shrugged awkwardly, she turned her head stiffly to the side. Being upside down made turning her head hard, all the pressure was going to her head and shoulders. She heard movement and watched as Erik and Charles moved over. They were the only two who weren't strapped into their seat, so they were really the only ones who could help free those who were.

Passing Raven's chair, Erik promptly undid the harness. With a groan she slipped free of the chair and managed to flip over to land in a crouch. Standing up on shaky legs she sought to freeing Elsie, with much the same motion she fell forwards and crouched on the ground. Once she was happy she wasn't likely to faint, she stood up and looked around. The jet was more trashed than she first thought. Even from where she stood she could spy a gaping hole in the side. Managing to climb over things she looked out, the beach and blue sky greeted her. 

Looking to the side she looked to Hank. He moved out of the cockpit and looked to her. "You okay?" She asked, she got a nod for an answer. Turning back to the hole she looked to the side as Charles appeared by her side. He frowned deeply and glanced at her briefly, looking relieved that she wasn't hurt he turned to Moira as she appeared on his other side.

"I've read the teleporters mind. Shaw is draining all the power, he's turning himself into some sort of nuclear bomb." Charles explained sounding slightly breathless from the previous experiences.

"We can't waste any more time. The Geiger counter is going out of control." Moira said while quickly moving over to the radar and screens. Something steady was clicking away assessing the readings which were nearby.

"All right, this is what we'll do." Charles said while turning and looking at everyone. They had all flocked to the windows and peered out to get a glimpse of what was happening. Upon hearing his voice they all turned away and looked to him. "Get on the radio and tell them to clear both fleets out immediately." Moira gave a nod at this, Charles looked away from her and to Erik as he took a step forwards.

"I'm going in," he said while some glanced up at him. But his eyes flicked to look at the small group who had appeared from the ruined submarine.

"Beast, Havoc, back him up. Erik, I can guide you through once you're in. But I need you to shut down whatever it is that's blocking me." Charles said while turning to look at him fully. Erik looked to the line of people beside him before looking back at Charles. "And we just hope to God that it's not too late to stop him. Right, good luck!" Charles said firmly while watching as Erik finally moved away and exited the jet. "Raven, stop!" He said while she did try to make a break for freedom to join in too.

She turned and looked to him while clutching onto the hand rails above her. "I'm going to help them!"

"We don't have time for this. If anything comes in that entrance you're taking care of it, yes?" Charles asked in a stern short tone while looking seriously to Raven. 

She tensed her shoulders all ready to retort yet just sighed heavily. "Pyre, you're with me."

"Guard duty, oh the joys!" Elsie drawled while stepping around Charles and Moira. "It's nice to know my training has made me ready to guard a door." She said while rubbing her hands together.

"Pfft, yeah, tell me about it." Raven muttered irritated.

Elsie scrunched her nose up, she was aware that not assigning them a task was Charles's way of keeping them close, and trying to keep them safe. But really, this was going to turn into a fight where everyone would need to do something. Elsie was certain guard duty could not be as simple as just guarding an opening. Standing motionless the two of them simply watched as their friends got pulled into fighting. With a frown Elsie watched as Azazel teleported Alex and Hank away, and roughly at the same time when Erik promptly knocked Riptide out and flattened him to the ground with a piece of metal from the submarine behind him. With a sure way in, Erik disappeared within and was lost from both of their eyes.

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