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Hank and Elsie stood side by side with matching wide eyed expressions. Though, it was presumed Elsie had a wide eyed expression, it was hard to tell considering she had quickly donned her glasses. The dark lenses blocked the bright lights from her eyes, but they also obscured more of her face.

"I wasn't expecting a group to suddenly be here."

"One, and then two, and mount up the numbers slowly? Yeah, Hank, I agree with you here. I wasn't expecting this. She seems happy though," Elsie said while nodding in Raven's direction. The more people here meant the more people she could converse and socialise with. Right at this point in time she was currently chatting animatedly to the other female in the room. She flicked her dark long hair over her shoulder and nodded at whatever Raven had just spoken to her. "We...we should probably move out from the door way, we look weird." Elsie said while lowering her glasses on her nose and looking up at him. Hank frowned lightly and looked at her with a quizzical expression. "Ok, weirder than usual." This just caused his eyes to narrow. "I'm already weird, you're normal looking...that's what I meant! You don't look weird, you're totally normal looking...totally..." Elsie said quickly while pulling her glasses off and tucking them in her shirt pocket. Hank just rolled his eyes at her. With a sigh she ran a hand through her hair and eyed the small group up and then looked at him. "Shall we?"

"If we must."

"Way to push the optimism, Hank!" Elsie smiled and clicked her fingers at him before moving away and walking slowly forwards. Naturally from now appearing out of the shadowed doorway, she got immediately eyed up.

"Hello there," turning she looked at the cola bottle which was presented to her. "Darwin's the name, and you are?"

"Elsie," she responded and took the bottle from his hand. "So...how'd you get signed up?"

"My taxi got commandeered." He smirked, Elsie drunk some of the cool drink and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Not literally," Darwin laughed when he caught sight of her expression. "Just...I wasn't able to pick up any other passengers until they got out." Elsie gave a nod at this, it didn't take much to know who 'they' were. She refrained from smiling, especially considering Darwin seemed both a little annoyed that he had lost business, but also a little confused by this whole thing. "You?"

At this her eyes grew large. Playing with the bottle in her hands she shuffled from foot to foot before looking up at him. "After show conversation."

"Show?" Darwin commented while walking over to one of the sofas and sitting down. Elsie nodded and followed after him, sitting on the one opposite she waited for him to comment more. "So...you're a performer?" This seemed to intrigue him to some extent. "You and Angel have something in common." He smirked and nodded his head backwards.

Upon hearing her name Angel – the dark haired female from earlier – turned and looked around confused. "What?" She questioned politely, yet seemed a little irritated that her conversation with Raven had been interrupted.

"Got another performer." Darwin commented while leaning back on the sofa. Elsie frowned, not wholly liking to how he was phrasing this. With a frown she looked to the side when a boy leapt over the back and sat down next to her.

"Hi," there was a rather goofy smile slowly creeping onto his face as he held out a hand. "Sean Cassidy."

"Elsie Hart," she placed her hand in his and gave it a good shake before letting it go and placing it in her lap. Seeing as how Hank suddenly sat at one end of the sofa, Elsie quickly scooted up to sit near him. "How are you, Hank?"

He looked awkward, and that alone was an answer enough for her. He straightened in his seat and gestured his cola bottle to hers. Clinking hers against his she settled back against the cushions. Exchanging a look they watched the others chatting away happily. Elsie was not exactly brilliant when it came to socialising, and it seemed that this was the same for Hank too. That immediately made him a person to gravitate towards, they could sit and be awkward together.

Almost choking on her drink when Raven sat down excitedly next to her, it was her words which caused the fizzy drink to go down the wrong way, not her friends sudden appearance. "We should think of code names!" She said happily with a wide smile to see the others slowly find a seat and sit down. They all exchanged a look and looked at her, seemingly agreeing. "You okay?" She questioned worriedly while giving Elsie a swift pat on the back. This if anything caused her to let out a cough. For someone so slight in frame, Raven could really pack a punch.

"Good, I'm good." Elsie said while wincing over where she had been hit. The action naturally caused her to flinch, even more so because of the strength behind it.

Raven smiled and pushed her hair over her shoulder before looking around everyone gathered. "We're government agents now, we should have secret code names." She went back to her earlier thoughts and words. She let out a thoughtful humming noise, looking to the ceiling she pouted before nodding and smiling again. "I wanna be called Mystique." She said thoughtfully with a light smile.

"Damn!" Came the slow but simple exclaim from Sean as he leant back in his seat. "I wanted to be called Mystique." He said while frowning lightly, he even let out a slow sigh over the matter.

"Well, tough! I called it." Raven said with a nod and a look sent his way. With a knowing smile she glanced at Elsie, who merely shrugged and nodded her head. Slowly Raven's form shifted into that of Sean's. There were exclaims and varied noises of amazement from the group as they watched the Sean lookalike cross one leg over the other. That was perhaps the one give away that it wasn't actually him, because of the girlish nature in which he – she – was sitting. "And face it, I'm way more mysterious than you." Raven said still in the form of Sean, along with his voice, Sean in turn widened his eyes and double took at her. He decided to let the matter lay, she could have this codename, she seemed more suited for it than himself.


Edited: 9/June/2017

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