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With Raven out of the immediate vicinity, it seemed chaos erupted again within the room. Hank got pushed aside, the gun going off as Erik freed his arm. Stepping forwards he stopped in front of Elsie. With the slowly splintering cracks appearing lightly on her skin, it didn't take much to figure that she was close to combusting. "What were you saying about funny business?"

"That I'd set you alight." Her voice came out with a slight crackling effect.

"I'm still here, move." He went to side step her to get to the window, yet she intercepted his path. So he resulted in aiming the gun at her head. Even with this she still stared up at him. Yet, much like earlier the weapon being presented so nonchalantly to her caused Charles to act on the defensive. He barged into Erik, and pushed him away from her. The gun accidentally went off again, the bullet merely imbedding itself within the wall.

Elsie pouted, it sailed through the air and narrowly missed Trask. What a shame, musing she rushed forward to help Charles only to get rather harshly pushed away by Erik. Intentional or not the butt of the gun actually hit her across the temple. She fell backwards with a groan, griping her head and squeezing her eyes shut.

"Where am I?"

"You're in Jamaica drinking beers on the beach! Where do you think you are?!" Elsie exclaimed in pain as she shot up and looked to Logan. He suddenly looked very lost, very confused, and now very annoyed because of her rather sarcastically sassy words.

"Listen here, lady," he started to reply while she helped Charles up. He had a minor cut on his head from the impact of the fall from the scuffle with Erik, but other than that he seemed fine. Slowly exchanging a look, they looked back to him. "I don't know who you are, but I would like to know where I am." He said still sounding rather irritated.

"Huh?" Charles said while rubbing his head. He merely glanced at the blood on his hand before looking to Logan with confusion.

"How the hell did I get here?!" Logan exclaimed with growing confusion and anger.

"He's lost his shit."

"Elsie..." Charles ran a hand down his face despairingly. With held up hands he slowly approached Logan, and where he stood in defiant confusion. "You came here with us." Charles explained simply and tried giving a reassuring smile, which went down like a led balloon because all he got from Logan was narrowed dark eyes.

"Who are you?" The irritated tone was near impossible to miss as Logan eyed him up and down.

"Charles," he pointed a finger at himself while smiling at Logan. He just wasn't expecting to suddenly get gripped onto and hauled forwards. With wide eyes Charles just placed his hands against the one holding onto him. "Charles Xavier!" He all but shouted while getting eyed suspiciously by Logan.

"I don't know you." Logan seemed quite sure of this as he narrowed his eyes at Charles again.

"Huh?" Charles repeated. This whole moment was getting odder by the moment. He looked over his shoulder when there was shuffling. Not only was Elsie on the move, but she was slowly moving over to Hank. Hank who had seemingly lost control and was now standing himself up in all his blue furred glory.

"What the hell is that?!" Logan shouted while eyeing Hank up. It seemed the failed attempts at controlling his breathing after his altercation with Erik was picked up on by both Charles and Elsie. Both had been rather distracted by Logan's moment to really pay much heed to Hank's transformation back into his mutant form.

Looking down at Elsie, all Hank received from her was a confused look. She stood rubbing her head in confusion while staring at Logan. The two looked at each other before looking back at the irritated confused Canadian. Hank gave a nonchalant shrug, he didn't know what was going on. Though his nonchalance was quickly dropped when Logan went to move forwards. Emitting a low growl, he got a hand placed on his shoulder by Elsie while Charles frantically seemed to calm the male in front of him.

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