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There honestly wasn't much to salvage from the base. They could just about move back through broken doorways and crack tiled corridors. Down one such corridor the lights were hanging from the electrical cable, which would usually be within the ceiling. It seemed that the only place which was in rather undamaged conditions was their previous living space. What little items and clothes which they had all arrived with, was rather promptly packed away. They hadn't really been here long enough to say that they'd miss the place.

"Souvenir?" Raven joked while picking up an orange cushion and waving it at Elsie. She in return scrunched her nose up and shook her head. This if anything caused Raven to laugh, she threw the cushion in the air and caught it swiftly. "Are you sure?" She raised a curious eyebrow at her friend, who was slouched on the sofa opposite to her. 

They were the first two to naturally be ready to leave. Honestly, neither of them knew or thought that anyone else came with much. Perhaps they were dwelling over leaving this base behind? Neither of them knew really, so they just took to sitting and waiting. They couldn't exactly go anywhere else. If they went outside they were eyed with suspicion, annoyance, and in some regards hostility. It was natural, really, them being here had resulted in a mad man hunting them out and killing their friends and colleagues. Not only that they thought it would be better to sit and wait inside than out, in fact Charles made it quite clear for them to wait inside until he reappeared. He was attempting to find a car big enough for them to all travel in to their destination.

"Actually, no," Elsie said while sitting up and gesturing a hand at Raven. She picked up another cushion and threw it her way. Catching the garish bright cushion she turned it over in her hand and nodded slowly. Most of the cushions on the sofa beside Elsie had been squirrelled away into one of the chairs, presumably one of the chairs either Alex or Sean had been sitting in. Elsie felt inclined to say the cushions were in Sean's chair.

"Can we go yet?" Sean asked while slouching to sit next to Elsie. He was just speaking their thoughts really. They had been sitting waiting for almost an hour. It was boring, and it felt weird being here in this room again.

With a light frown, Elsie looked at him. "If we weren't sticking together...where would you return to?"

Sean looked at her and shrugged. "I don't know." He said slowly and leaned against the back of the sofa. He looked to the ceiling and tilted his head to the side to look at her. "Return to bunking off school, that's quite a top priority."

Elsie laughed quietly and shook her head. "Out of all things, how is that on the top of your list?"

"Because school is boring." Sean shrugged again and leaned further back to look over the sofa to the corridor where Alex appeared from.

"Are we having another group bonding moment?" He asked while sitting down in one of the chairs. "Because look how well the last one ended." He said in a quieter voice while leaning his forearms against his knees. He rubbed his hands together and looked up, it was silent in the room then. "Oh please, don't let me stop you all from talking." Alex rolled his eyes.

Hearing the door open slowly they all turned expecting to be summoned, only to see Hank standing shifting awkwardly. Alex naturally groaned and ran a hand down his face, whereas the other three smiled at him lightly. Though welcomed with strained smiles Hank walked into the room and sat down next to Raven. "Is it still chaos out there?" Raven turned and looked to him curiously while holding onto yet another cushion. Elsie clearly wasn't going to be the only one leaving with a souvenir.

Hank nodded slowly, pushing his glasses up his nose he looked at everyone and then at her. "It's quietened down now. Most people are moving to other bases close by. Some are even catching the first flights home."

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