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"Aw, that's so sad." Elsie said with a disheartened tone and an upset expression. She readjusted the grip she had on the back of the sofa with her legs, before readjusting her arms across her stomach. She was sitting on the sofa, looking at the television screen upside down. It was an interesting way to watch a film, that she couldn't deny. It certainly aided to a new perspective on things, whether that was for the good or bad she wholly didn't know. She did know however that she would surely get a head rush if she were to suddenly move.

Hearing her name being called from the corridor outside she lifted up an arm and waved it. Hopefully whoever was in the corridor would come in and see that she was here. "What are you doing?" A curious feminine voice asked. Rounding the sofa was a girl no older than eighteen, with brown curled short hair and bright curious green eyes. Her name was Jenny – Jennifer – and she had taken quite a liking to Elsie, seeing as how she was the only other female here. Jenny had been living here for the last few months, she wasn't recruited but rather she turned up unexpectedly with Sean in tow. The young man had seemingly saved her from an embarrassing moment which almost resulted in Jenny sparking out all nearby appliances.
Elsie had said it was quite chivalrous, which Sean scrunched his nose up to. What could she say? She was a sucker for knights in shining armour. Or in Sean's case: baggy jeans, converse trainers and a slightly worse for wear looking jumper. 

"Watching television." Elsie replied after a few moments of realising she was just staring at Jenny blankly. The young girl was quite used to her moments of spacing out. At first it had concerned her, but everyone, Charles more so, had stated it was quite normal.

"No duh," Jenny promptly replied while crossing her arms tightly across her chest.

Elsie just looked at her simply. "Can I help you?"

"No, I was bored."

"So you came found me?"

"Sean's busy."

"...Thanks...?" Elsie said while looking at the girl oddly. Raising an eyebrow she smirked and pointed a finger up at her. "What about Alex? Or Hank?" Elsie questioned while smirking more.

Catching onto her drift, Jenny blanched and waved a dismissive hand. "Eh, heh, yeah...they're busy too..."

Elsie rolled her eyes. She wasn't oblivious. She knew the younger female had taken a liking to Sean. It was sweet, honestly, she found it adorable. Such a hopeless romantic! She exclaimed mentally while looking back to the television. Even more so considering... Elsie managed to shake her head without having to sit up from her laying position. She was currently watching Wuthering Heights. Specifically the part where Heathcliff had returned and first confronted Cathy. The underlining tension was clear but unwillingly admitted feelings was too much for her and caused her to mope slightly.

Jenny just looked at her oddly when Elsie drew silent, again. "I think I'm going to leave you to it..." 

Elsie just looked up at her and shrugged, she waved a hand as the girl backed off and left her and the room. She liked Jenny, but she also liked being on her own when watching movies, certain movies perhaps was more apt. She wasn't going to go out of her way to persuade the girl to stay. Scrunching her nose up, Elsie thought Jenny would merely talk through the movie anyway. Sitting in silence again she slowly rolled onto her side and laid down, her head did hurt from being upside down but she ignored it as Isabella came onto the scene, Elsie whimpered. One sided love was truly painful...not that she had ever experienced it, but it must hurt.   

"I am sensing some distress here, what's wrong?" Lifting herself up and off of the sofa she looked over the back and smiled at Charles. "Perhaps I'm incorrect."

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