32 | Daughter

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Taehyung carried me on his back and Namjoon guided us through the ship till we reached the entrance. We saw few Verge members on the way but they all backed away with fear and some even bowed in respect.

'What exactly happened to Sang-Ki? And where's are winnings?' I asked.
'I got some of my men to take our winnings, the Verge members are also under our control and as for Sang-Ki, we killed him.' Namjoon replied.
'Woah, so we won right?'
'Yh we won.' Taehyung smiled.

Once we approached the car, Seokjin hurried out.
'Hee-Ra!!' He shouted as soon as we met eyes.
'Hey, I think I'm gonna need a bit of treatment.' I smiled, whilst looking at his eyes twinkling in the sun's rays.
Seokjin nodded and Taehyung helped me get into the car.

'What about Yoongi and Jungkook?' I asked.
'You three get going, I've asked Hoseok to head here with another car. I'll find out what happened to Jungkook and help Yoongi.' Namjoon responded whilst reassuring me that everything will be ok.

After that, we left Namjoon and drove back home.
'Do you think Jungkook's gonna be alright?' Taehyung asked. I looked up at his face and his eyebrows were furrowed and his hands covering his mouth. He clearly looked very concerned for Jungkook.

'Let's hope so.' Seokjin replied straightforwardly.
The rest of the journey was silent as all of us had been thinking about our own worries.

After a long drive, we finally reached our neighbourhood.
We turned a corner but were greeted by 2 navy blue SUVs and a metallic grey sports car.
'Who could they be?' Seokjin questioned.

We pulled up the car near our house and cautiously sneaked towards our house.
Our other car was still parked in our driveway, which informed us that Hoseok hadn't left yet.
We creeped through the back door and into the meeting room.
No one was here.

'You guys check upstairs and I'll check downstairs.' Taehyung suggested.
Seokjin and I strolled up the stairs as quietly as possible.
'Who do you think is here?' I asked.
'Not sure, I don't recognise the cars in front of our house either.' He replied.

We searched through the rooms and quietly called out the member's name.
'Hey Seokjin, don't you think it's weird that Hoseok hasn't talked to us through the ear comm?'
'Now that you mention it, that is very strange. Usually Hoseok talks quite a lot, maybe something happened to him?' As Seokjin said that, we heard a scream coming from downstairs.

'Hoseok!' Seokjin and I shouted in unison before practically gliding down the stairs and sprinting towards the biggest room in the mansion.
The biggest room was were any parties, gatherings or meetings involving many people took place. The ballroom.
Taehyung came dashing towards the ballroom at that moment. His eyes widened with shock.
'You guys..heard that right?' He stammered as his hands shook violently.
'Get ready.' Seokjin demanded.

We all looked at eachother as we placed our hands on both the golden handles. Seokjin nodded, signalling to open the doors.
We turned the handle, but as soon as I took one glimpse inside, I immediately felt like shutting the door again.
It looked like we just stepped into hell...but even worse.

A tall man stood at the far end of the room, clutching what seemed like a shot gun. Two, supposedly body guards, standing at either side of the man whilst holding guns.
Several other people were scattered around the room, all wielding some sort of weapon.
But the worst part was something I couldn't bare to look at.

Hoseok laid on the floor, head pushed face down. His eyes were completely shut and I could see teardrops built up in the corner of his eye.
A man put a foot on his back, stopping Hoseok from getting up. Hoseok's limbs were sprawled out on the floor. His sleeves were fully torn, exposing the scars and cuts on his arms. The red liquid running down his arms and crawling across the floor.

I turned to look at Jimin. His head hung low as another man grabbed him by his hair. Jimin's hands were smothered in blood. His shirt was torn and blood seeped out of the deep cuts on his chest.
The man pulled on Jimin's hair, which caused Jimin's head to lift up. His lips had a cut right through and blood poured down his chin. I just about saw purple bruises that stained his cheeks before his head dropped back down again.

Instantly, my hands covered my mouth. I took a few steps back in horror.
What did I just witness??

I glanced over at the other two.
Taehyung's body was shaking and his veins were popping.
Seokjin was trembling with horror, his eyes twitching.

'What in the world is going on?' I broke the frightening silence.
'Exactly as you're seeing.' The tall man responded.
My heart pounded as I stared at the man's proud smirk plastered on his face.

'Why did you do this?' Taehyung muttered.
'I can't hear you, say it louder.' The man chuckled.
'WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THIS?' Taehyung growled. I looked at his clenched fists shaking. He was ready to attack with every ounce of anger inside of him.

'To put it simply, I'm here to take back something that belongs to me.' The man responded.
'What would that be?' Seokjin said through gritted teeth.

'I'm here to take back my sweet daughter.' The man smiled as he pointed towards..me.

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