50 | Badass

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I ran into the room where the scream came from to see Yoongi crouched over, hands pushing against his abdomen where blood was gushing out of.

'Y-Yoongi..?!' I stammered, nearing him.
'Hee-Ra don't worry about me..it's not a.. deep wound.. just.. go after that man.. and kill him.' He replied between gasps.

As much as I wanted to stay and help Yoongi, I had to stop the man from escaping. I wasn't going to let him off for stabbing Yoongi.

I rushed out of the room and took the stairs to the top rooms.
As I entered one of the bedrooms, a knife was suddenly held at my throat- only centimetres apart.

'I told you to stop pissing me off and to get lost but it seems it had to come down to this.' The man cackled.

'You think a little kitchen knife is going to stop us?' I muttered.
'You saw the state of your friend now try saying that again.'

'Why don't you want to pay up for? Are you really that broke?' I questioned.
'Shut the fuck up, it doesn't matter if I'm broke or not.. you're little protection squad ain't worth a single penny of mine.' The man bellowed.

'Look, we could've made this easier if you just went along with us instead of acting up you crazy bastard.' I said through gritted teeth.

'I'm gonna kill you both!' The man chuckled whilst moving the knife closed to my neck.
'I wouldn't act so rash if I were you.' I smirked.

'What do you mean?' The man asked, a slightly more terrified tone present in his voice.

Without replying, I kicked backwards and hit the man's crotch which made him instantly drop the knife and fall to the wooden floor.
He shrieked in pain whilst rolling around on the ground.

'Tch, I warned you.' I scoffed.
I bent over and picked up the knife and slammed it into the ground which made the man freeze up in fear.

'Be excited for what's coming for you.' I snarled.
'W-what!?' The man stuttered, trembling with horror.

'You and the chamber.. that's a match made in heaven.' I laughed, pulling the knife out of the ground and slamming it back in right next to the man's head.

'Ch..ch..chamber? What chamber? What are you going to do to me? Stop this!!' The man begged, rubbing his hands together.

'What happened to that tough guy act from a second ago?' I asked.

'I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry!! I apologise for what I did. Please spare me!! I've been struggling making ends meet and I couldn't pay for the fees. Please please spare me!!' The man pleaded.

'I can't hear you' I teased.
'I said I'm sorry!! Please spare me!!'

I rolled my eyes at the sight.
'Save me the sorry act, no matter what you say, I'm not gonna forgive a bastard like you.'

The man's eyes widened and then he clutched onto foot.
'P...please stop this!! I'll pay for the fees, I'll do anything you ask me to do! Just spare my life, I beg of you.' The man cried.

'Eugh, let go of my shoes and get ready to say goodbye to your sweet little home.' I growled, kicking his hand away from me.

I rung up Namjoon to send his men and so  not long later they came pouring into the building.
They dragged the man out and drove towards the chamber leaving me and Yoongi alone once again.

'Woah Hee.. that was quite badass.' Yoongi chuckled throwing his arm over my shoulder.

'Of course, how's the wound?' I asked.
'Not too bad, after all a knife wound like this is no-'
'..match for the underboss and Vanguard of Bangtan, Yoongi! Yh I can tell.' I scoffed.

'You know me well.' He smirked.

An hour later

I dropped off Yoongi at the infirmary so he could change out the bandages and get properly treated.

Namjoon the approached me, rubbing his temples like he does when he's concerned.

'This is why I don't want to send you out Hee, there's no telling what could happen out there.' Namjoon sighed.
'I did come back without a scratch though, just like I promised.' I smiled.

'And I'm glad you did, it seems as though a day doesn't go by without me having to fret over you.' Namjoon sighed again.

'Thank you for worrying about me Namjoon, I honestly appreciate the feelings.. I'm grateful to have you as my cousin.' I said, making Namjoon smile warmly back.

'Hey hey hey, why am I always left out of the fun?' Hoseok pouted.
'Hey Hobi.' I waved.
'I'll leave you two to it then, Hoseok steer her away from trouble will you?' Namjoon requested.

'Will do Joon.' Hoseok replied before turning his attention to me.
'So what happened out there?' He asked.
'Long story short, a tenant refused to pay up for the fees, threatened us, stabbed Yoongi and then begged for me to spare his life.' I answered.

'Are you sure you're not missing out any other details?' Hoseok quirked a brow.

'Maybe I was held at knife point but we can skip over that.' I shrugged.
'Haha well I actually came here to tell you something else.' Hoseok said, switching to a more serious tone.

'Hm what is it?'
'Jungkook wants to meet talk it out with you, he's waiting out in the patio.' Hoseok replied, pointing to the door leading there.

'And why couldn't he tell that to me himself?' I questioned.
'I mean to be fair it's quite scary approaching your girlfriend who you're in a conflict with.'
'Yh Yh whatever, I'll get going then.' I scoffed before walking out into the spacious patio.

As expected, Jungkook was sat down whilst his hands were fumbling around.

As soon as he saw me, he immediately stood up.

'Hey Hee-Ra, here's some iced tea.' He smiled, passing me a cup.
'Thanks.' I replied back bluntly.

'So I called you here to explain myself..'

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