54 | At Fault

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Hee-Ra's POV

'What in the world is going on down there?' I asked Seokjin as we both stared intently at the tablet in front of us.

'I can't make out any sounds, there must be some faults with the audio system.' He sighed before scanning the tablet to see if he could do anything to fix it.

I watched as he turned the tablet upside down to open up the back.
'Wait hold on a sec.' I said whilst taking the tablet from his grasp.

I tapped the screen and pressed a few things here and there until sounds could be heard.
'Oh shit that's a bit too loud.' I mumbled, trying to lower the volume.

'Wha- how did you do that?' Seokjin questioned with a bewildered expression plastered on his face.

'I don't know to be honest.. maybe it's because I'm so amazing.' I smiled proudly.

'Don't get so cocky Hee-Ra... though that is one of the many things that makes me attracted to you.' Seokjin chuckled under his breath.

I blushed at his words and lightly hit his chest. 'Stop saying such non... sense.' I sighed.
'It's not nonsense though, I truly mean it.' He smiled.

'Erm well let's just focus on what's going on right now because we can hear the whole situation. ' I said to avoid replying to his comment.

Both of us focused on what was happening down in the ballroom as it played on the screen. At the moment it looked like that bastard Yong-Chul was speaking to Namjoon, whose gun was directed towards the bastard.

'Didn't you ever wonder why your carer, Ms. Oh I believe, liked you so much? Well it's because you were her blood child! She's your real mother!'

Both Seokjin and I exchanged shocked glances. 

'W-what did he just say..?' I stammered, as my eyes widened.
'I don't know.' He replied bluntly.

'Does that mean Joon and I aren't blood related or something..?'
'Let's not jump to conclusions, if anything Yong-Chul could be lying.'

Both of us continued to listen and watch the conversation that was going on... that was until Namjoon had turned the gun that pointed towards Yong-Chul at his own head.

Immediately, I dropped the side of the tablet which I held onto before practically leaping down the stairs.

However Seokjin grabbed onto my shoulder and pulled me back.

'What do you think you're doing?' He whisper-shouted.

'Didn't you just see what Namjoon's doing? We need to stop him!' I responded, throwing his hand off me and charging through the hallway.

But Seokjin once again held my shoulder firmly.

'I understand how you're feeling right now, I feel the same way but this is too risky.' He said furrowing his eyebrows.

'But Namjoon's going to shoot himself! I can't let that happen, I'm the root cause of this.. I need to be there to help.' I sighed.

'Stop being so stubborn! Don't you get what Yong-Chul's doing? He's setting up a trap for you to fall into, which is that you come out of hiding!! Besides, the rest of Bangtan are there to support Joon..' Seokjin reassured me.

I frowned but nodded. He was right. If I went to the ballroom, only worse things could happen and besides as Seokjin said, Bangtan were there to stop Namjoon.

'Fine we won't go.. but if no one stops him we move.' I suggested and Seokjin agreed.

Seokjin smoothly slid his hand into mine and led us up to the rooftop again. Just as we were about to reach the top of the stairs, a loud bang rung through our ears.

Namjoon's POV

As my fingers brushed past the trigger of the pistol, a loud bang sound echoed from outside the ballroom.

I stood up and pointed the gun in front of me at Yong-Chul.
'WHAT WAS THAT?!' I shouted out.

'Oh I see my trip here is over, thank you for the special preparations, I do appreciate your thoughts. Well farewell sweet nephew.. oh right! I mean just Namjoon.' Yong-Chul cackled which caused me to flinch.

'Did you really think I'd just sit here and explain your whole family situation when the main purpose was for me to come take my daughter? Of course I had my men go look for her and it seems they were successful.' Yong-Chul bellowed with excitement.

My hands shook with anger. Without holding back any further, I pulled the trigger. Not being concerned about any of the consequences that would follow.

The bullet cut through the air and towards Yong-Chul.
But someone sacrificed themselves by jumping and blocking the bullet from reaching the target.

The man dropped onto the floor, clutching his neck before his lifeless hands fell to the floor.

'Did you think you'd kill me so easily!?' Yong-Chul yelled. His eyes practically bulging out with rage.

'BANGTAN TAKE ACTION!' I ordered and then Yong-Chul signalled his association to do the same.

In seconds flat, the whole room fell into chaos. A large scale massacre was taking place right here, right now.

In the midst of it all, I ran to the doors of the ballroom.
There, I told Taehyung and Jungkook to not let anyone leave the room, dead or alive.

I opened the grand doors and ran down the hallway towards the rooftop stairs.

'Hoseok! Hoseok! Can you hear me? Hoseok?!' I yelled through the ear piece however there was no reply.

'Yoongi! If you hear me, head down to the basement to Hoseok. If he isn't there, head out and track him down!' I instructed.

Shit. Shit. Shit. This is all my fault.
One by one, each person I know and are dear to me are disappearing from my sight.

I ran down the hall and climbed up the stairs frantically in desperate hope that Seokjin and Hee-Ra were still there.

Once I reached the final step, I slid open the tinted glass door.

But I was too late..


I'm sorry for this crappy chapter 😭 I rewrote it so many times because I generally lost motivation to write it.

But it's out and I hope you like it 🥺

Let's continue to be as smooth as butter 🧈💛

Family [BTS mafia ff]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora