80 | Frauds

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The bullet soared through the air in my direction. I slid to the side just in time to avoid the bullet and it punched it's way through the glass window.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled, letting out a huge exhale. Jimin rushed to my side and screamed words of profanity at the pair who just laughed in response.

"Give back our money and we won't shoot again." In-Hye demanded spitefully.

Jimin stood up and unsheathed his Glock from his leather chest holster. He fired a bullet and it grazed past In-Hye's arm. Daewon rushed to his partner's side as she fell into a screaming mess.

"I don't care how you threaten us because in the end both of you'll be suffering under Bangtan's fists." Jimin shouted in a gruff voice with his chest puffed out .

Daewon looked up at Jimin and pointed his gun daringly. "You have no right to say any shit when you're the one who fucked over our company!"

I heaved out a sigh and clenched my jaw, holding back my rage. I nudged Jimin's elbow which caught his attention.
"Cover for me while I make a quick call."

Jimin stared back at me in disbelief as he curled his fingers around the gun tighter than before.
"A call right now?"

"Trust me Jimin, just cover for me."

Jimin nodded slowly as he perceived my words. I took a gulp and attempted to get away to a hidden area of the bar. I went to a separate room and hid underneath the bar table there and quickly dialled Namjoon's number. While I waited for him to pick up, I grabbed a wine bottle to prepare for whoever might come after me.

"Pick up... pick up Joon..!" I whispered under my breath, clenching my fist with little patience.

Eventually, the rings stopped going through and muffled shouts came through the other side of the call. Namjoon was definitely scolding someone which was pretty typical of him.

A harsh "hello" abruptly cut through the air which caused me to jolt in my position. "Hee-Ra, what's up?"

"Everything alright? I could hear someone shouting." I replied with concern.

Namjoon sighed loudly before clicking his tongue. "Just needed to keep some of our people in check but anyways why did you call?"

"I'm going to make this quick and explain later... has Bangtan ever worked with a freight forwarding company called Esovu?" I asked. I could hear heavy footsteps approaching the bar table so I kept the bottle closer to my chest. Namjoon hummed quietly and I could only assume he was looking through a file of some sort.

"Esovu? Never heard of them. We only work with Solar Shipping." Namjoon said and the sounds of pages flipping became distinct.

"Ok thanks I'll call you back in due time and send a few of men to Wine Bar 612 in Yongsan." I finished off quickly, hanging up and sliding my phone back into my pocket.

I got my answer. These people were frauds.

But who were they and how did they know our identities?

I smashed the bottle in my hand till the sharp edges could be seen in the bottle's casted shadow.
Carefully, I peered round the side of the table and could see Jimin firing a couple of shots against Daewon but no In-Hye in sight.

Suddenly, I felt an aggressive tug of my hair and I looked up to see In-Hye hunched over the table. "Hiding now, are we?" She laughed, licking her lips.

I scrunched my nose and thrusted the fractured bottle upwards until drops of blood splattered across my forehead. I released my grip on the bottle which landed with a deafening crash but even that couldn't cover up the screeches belonging to In-Hye.

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