42 | Insane Move

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I applied some ointment to the pains which Seokjin gave me for any injuries that I happen to have.
Once I applied it, I could start to feel the coldness on my back.
Hopefully, this'll lessen the soreness.

I changed my clothes before heading down to the dining room where my breakfast was neatly presented on the table.
'Thanks Seokjin!!' I yelled so he could hear me from the kitchen.
'No problem!!' Seokjin replied back.

After breakfast, I set my mind to do some training with Yoongi.
'Hey Tae is Yoongi home?' I asked Taehyung who just entered the dining room.
'Yoongi? I think he's out on the rooftop..' He answered.
'Ok thanks!'

As Taehyung said, Yoongi was up on the rooftop garden. He was crouching down on the floor, gentler stroking a small daisy.
'What you doing there?' I asked leaning over him.
'Shit, you scared me.' He grunted, jumping up in shock.

'Sorry sorry, didn't intend to'
'It's fine, I'm just looking at some of the flowers. Namjoon asked me to water them for him whilst he's out.' Yoongi explained.

'Namjoon and flowers? That doesn't quite match up.' I chuckled.
'These flowers are the only one he tends to coz they were a gift from his late carer, she died around a year ago due to CHD.'
'A carer?'
'Yeah, Joon's parents were busy running the mafia business to care for him so they hired a carer.' Yoongi replied.

'Well enough of this talk, why'd you come up here anyways?'
'I wanted to ask if we could spar.' I smiled.
'Sparring huh, sure I'm down.' Yoongi grinned.


I rushed towards Yoongi, who was prepped to take any hit from me.
As I was running, I caught his right fist flinching.
He's going to go for a punch.

I moved to the side and kicked him with all my force but it didn't faze him at all. Instead, he grabbed my foot, causing me to stumble and fall onto the floor.

'Yoongi.. stop holding back.' I scoffed, getting up from the floor.
'If you say so.' He smirked.
Within a second, Yoongi landed a punch on my stomach. I coughed and clenched my stomach.

Shit..I didn't think his punches were that hard!? I'm actually grateful he's an ally..

'You're wasting time Hee-Ra, by now you'd have been pulverised.' Yoongi sighed.
'Yes yes I'm aware, just had to get back to my senses.' I replied.

My strongest bet was to land a punch of Yoongi's jaw and kick him to the floor.
In the midst of my thinking time, Yoongi came at me and attempted to kick my side but I luckily dodged it.
As I planned, I raised my fists and threw a punch.
But of course Yoongi being Yoongi..he caught it but twisted my arm in the process.

I yelped from the pain whilst trying to shake my arm free.
Well I tried to avoid doing this..but I guess it's no use.
I kicked backwards and hit Yoongi's crotch.

Instantly, Yoongi let go of my arm and dropped to the ground.
'Shit shit shit..' he mumbled.
'I had no other options.' I shrugged.

'With that insane move, I'm sure you'd knock out all your enemies.' Yoongi growled.
'I know right, I'm fucking powerful.' I chuckled, whilst jumping around the room.
'You nearly got owned by me.' Yoongi scoffed.

'We don't need to mention that.' I stated whilst glaring at Yoongi before the both of cracked up in laughter.

Suddenly, the door swung open and in came Jimin.
'Hey Mochi, what's up?' I asked.
'Jimin in the training room? That's a new sight.' Yoongi laughed.

'Hey, just coz I don't train here doesn't mean I don't train at all.' Jimin frowned, whilst rolling his eyes.
'Well I have to leave you two to it, Namjoon messaged me.' Yoongi smiled.

'Right now? But we were going to spar again..' I pouted.
'Sorry Hee-Ra, we'll spar soon k' Yoongi patted my shoulder before whispering something to Jimin and leaving the room.

I sat down on the floor after grabbing an energy drink from the cooler.
'What brings you here then?' I asked Jimin, who was still awkwardly standing near the door.
'Just wanted to see what you two were up to, guess I missed the show huh?' He replied before sitting down next to me.

'You missed by insaaaane move.'
'Did I now, Princess?' Jimin smiled.
'Do you wanna spar?' I asked, rolling my drink to the  side.
'I was waiting for you to ask.' Jimin smirked.


I've never 1v1 fought Jimin, but I was aware that he had a similar fighting technique to Taehyung.

'If you're ready princess.'
'Sure am Mochi!'

Jimin ran towards me, whilst lifting up his wrists preparing to punch. Or so he wanted me to think.

I slid to the left which helped me avoid Jimin's elbow. I kicked his back causing him to lean forward.
I took that to my advantage by grabbing his shirt and  hauling myself onto his back.

I felt Jimin struggling to throw me off. Rapidly, I wrapped my arm around his neck.

As expected, Jimin's attention moved towards getting my arm off his neck.
I kicked his leg and he stumbled onto the floor.

Whilst he was falling, he grabbed my ankle and pulled it, making me fall onto the floor as well.

I fell onto my right arm that took all the pressure from the fall. It started throbbing but I couldn't waste time.
Jimin was already onto his knees.

I got up and threw a punch at his stomach. Jimin was unfazed from it, instead he clutched onto my wrist and waist before pushing me down onto the floor.

Shit his grip is too strong!!
I struggled under his hold. I looked up to see Jimin's smug face.
'..8..9..10.. and that's how you beat the shit out of someone.' He scoffed.

He released his hold and fell back onto the floor.
'Don't tell me-'
'That's right, none of your attacks done anything to me.' Jimin chuckled.

'How though?!!' I asked him whilst throwing a water bottle to him.
'A secret.. anyways you should've used that insane move on me if you wanted to beat me' he smirked before downing the water.
'As if, Yoongi warned you didn't he!?'
Jimin replied with a chuckle before we both tidied up and left.


I quickly took a shower and changed into a fresh set of clothes before spraying myself with perfume.
I've dated Jungkook for almost 4 months now but we've never went outside for a date ever.

Namjoon was lenient enough to let us out today. Jungkook suggested that his men were stationed around the park we were heading too.

I walked towards the motorcycle where Jungkook was waiting for me.
'Ready?' He asked.
'Let's go Kookie!!'
'Let's go RaRa!!'


I'm sorry for not updating in a while 🥺
And happy Valentine's Day!!
Who else is single af like me 😩🖐

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