59 | Escape

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Seokjin helped me push the final metal box across towards the edge of the rotting wall.

'You go up first, I'll climb up later.' Seokjin ushered, looking up at the gap that led outside within the walls.

We were both going to climb out and escape this warehouse and somehow find our way back to the mansion.. or at least find some form of help.

I nodded back and started to ascend the mountain of boxes.
Once I got to the top, I lent a hand out to Seokjin so I could assist in hauling him up, as his left hand was currently injured.

Carefully, I jumped down onto the rough, stony ground, followed by Seokjin who landed safely too.

'What now?' I asked, brushing off the dirt on my clothes.
'First we should find some sort of vehicle to get back.' He replied, scanning around the place we were at.

'Then in that case, let's head that way.' I suggested, pointing the way in front of us.

We both walked in silence for a bit before Seokjin spoke up.

'I'm getting quite hungry, you?' He asked, rubbing his stomach.
'Same I wish we co-'

Suddenly, Seokjin covered my mouth with the palm of his hand and he stared at me intently.

I furrowed my eyebrows and took his hand off my mouth.
'Is something wrong?' I asked, cocking my head to the side.

'Listen... I hear a few people talking.' He whispered before pulling me down and crouching.

Just as Seokjin said, a distant murmur of voices could be heard. But there was no telling how many people but they clearly sounded quite frustrated.

'Shit... they must've caught on that we escaped.' I muttered as I clenched my fists, feeling uneasy.

'What do we do? At the moment our best bet is to find a car.' Seokjin sighed.
'But there won't be any on this side and it sounds like they're on the side we need to go to.' I replied.

'We can't go over there, they could inject us with drugs again like that night.' Seokjin groaned.

'Fine... just before they catch sight of us.. you're going to go look for a car whilst I'll distract them.' I advised.

In response, Seokjin gave me an anxious look and sighed again.
'No that's not happening. They're directly after you Hee-Ra!' Seokjin said, slowly standing up.

'Then do you have any suggestions? I can take them on and leave with a few scratches max, all you have to do is break into the scene with the car and possibly even run over some of the old man's people.' I chuckled.

'..Alright let's go with your plan but you better not hurt yourself and this is the last time I'm leaving you on your own..' Seokjin whispered, gently caressing my cheek before hastily running off.

I fumbled around with my fingers, whilst crouching down behind some steel oil barrels until I felt the silver bracelet Hoseok had given me.

I tried calling Hoseok and Namjoon again but it was no use. There was no connection whatsoever.

'I hope the others are okay..' I whispered under my breath.

Just as I was going to check out a few more things on the ring, an abrupt noise of footsteps approached closer towards me.
I panicked slightly before pulling out the knife I kept with me.

'Ok you got this Hee-Ra, trust Seokjin to come back quickly.' I whispered, preparing myself to attack or for any attacks.

Eventually, a small group of people arrived in front of me. Around 7 people or so.

'I believe you are Song Hee-Ra..?' The woman standing ahead of the others spoke.
'Hmm am I though?' I shrugged.

The woman clicked her tongue and shook her head before pulling out a photograph.
'Just so you're informed, I don't particularly enjoy playing mind games so if we understand let's go.' The woman sighed.

I stared at the photo the woman was holding and then broke into laughter.

'What's so amusing?' The woman scowled, quite offended.

'I don't know exactly.. maybe it's the fact that the photo you're using is an outdated passport photo or the fact that an idiot like you thinks I'd happily follow along to wherever you want me to go? I guess you can choose.' I chuckled.

'Why you..!' The woman growled before gathering her composure.

'Make this easier and come with me. I have no intention of hurting you.' She addressed sternly.

'Hey I was looking forward to beating up you pathetic people.' I mumbled, rolling my eyes back.

I watched as the woman started shaking from annoyance, her hands now rolled into a ball.
'Well well you little rascal you clearly asked for it.' She snarled.

Again, I just shrugged which angered the woman even more.

'Get that rascal no matter what!!' The woman bellowed.

I prepped myself and gestured them to come. However, as soon as they made a step forwards in my direction a blue car smashed through the rusty, iron fence, that barricaded the derelict warehouse. The car rammed right into the small crowd of people. Some leaped to the side while others got run over.

The tinted windows rolled down and Seokjin leaned out of the window, his hands propped on the grip of the steering wheel.

'Get in Hee-Ra, let's escape this wasteland.' Seokjin smirked, as he ran his fingers through his charcoal, tousled hair.

I grinned, running to the car and hopping into the passenger seat.
I peered out of the window and called out the woman.

'Thanks for the invite Yong-Chul's bitch but I actually have better places to be!!' I yelled and howled with laughter.

And to top it off, I blew a kiss and the woman gaped at me, taken back slightly.

'S-Stop!' The woman shouted, reaching out towards the car.. though she was nowhere near it.

'Drive on Seokjin!' I directed and so he did.

'Damn Hee-Ra, I guess you handled that situation pretty well.' He smiled warmly.

I nodded proudly, slumping back into my seat. 'Of course.'

'Though I really didn't think you'd flirt with that woman.' Seokjin laughed quietly, nudging my arm.

'I wouldn't call it flirting, I wanted to piss her off.. that's all.' I addressed.

'So when you become all flirtatious, it's because you want to piss me off?' Seokjin questioned.

I turned my head and looked at Seokjin.

'When did I ever flirt with you? You're the one who flirts with me constantly.' I scoffed, crossing my arms.

All of a sudden, the car halted and my head hit the seat. I rubbed the back of my head and faced Seokjin to ask him why he pulled the brakes. But he closed the space between us already and gazed into my eyes. I gulped before he spoke up.

'I thought you had forgotten my confession but it seems I was wrong.'


Hey readers, hope you're all doing well!! I'm sorry for the delay but I've been quite busy this week. Anyways here we are!!

Seokjin and Hee-Ra finally escape! However Seokjin brings up the confession.. how will Hee-Ra react?

Thank you all again and again, I purple you 💜

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