69 | Dance

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"So why did you kill that guy then?" I asked Namjoon while sipping on the wine he poured me.

"You know my how low my tolerance is when it comes to people who resist.. he would've started a fucking riot if I hadn't ended him." Namjoon replies, arching an eyebrow with a sly grin plastered across his face.

I nodded, placing the tulip glass down on the table. "It's not like I would've stopped you anyways Joon." I sighed sarcastically and he laughed to my response.

Shortly after, I felt a delicate tap upon my shoulder.
"Do I have the pleasure to dance with you?"

Swiftly, I swiveled around to the familiar scent of peaches, roses and vanilla.
Jimin looked at me with softened eyes and his uninjured hand extended out in front of him.

"What do you say?" He whispered again into my ears as he hunched forwards.
"Sure Mr. Park." I scoffed, smoothly placing my palm onto his.

I turned to Namjoon who nodded, ushering us to leave.
"You go enjoy yourself Hee, this is your party after all." He muttered before advancing towards a group of patrons nearby.

Jimin and I ambled towards the center of the ballroom where the lights beamed the brightest.

He placed one hand gently onto my waist and I set my hand on the shoulders of his red suit. Our free hands clasped together, fitting perfectly like a puzzle. We twirled around the elegant marble floor, ignoring the eyes that fixated upon us.


We danced under the huge chandelier and the moon's evening gleam. I took the chance to admire her up closely, breathing in with every glimpse.

Her smooth hair, softly reflected the white glow of the moon; her earrings swung slowly by her tinted cheeks. She brought an alluring aura that seeped into the late air between us, an added compliment to her beauty.

"You look so fucking beautiful, you know that Hee-Ra?" I mumbled, studying her face up closely.

We momentarily locked eyes as she leaned forwards, "And you don't look so bad yourself Jimin." A sudden sensation washed over me as I felt her hot breath against my face.

She flashed a smile and I just stared deeply into her dark orbs that twinkled under the bright lights. There was just something about her captivating nature that I couldn't quite get a grasp of. Either way, I felt strongly enticed by it.

"Let me get you a drink." Hee-Ra suggested, edging towards the huge champagne tower.

I scurried behind her before she carefully picked up a glass and passed it over to me and then taking one for her self. We clinked our glasses and downed the liquor in one quick go.

"Congrats again on becoming an advisor." I said, patting her head lightly.

"Why thank you, playboy." She teased.

"Playboy? Is that what you really think of me?" I pouted, crossing my arms against my chest jokingly.

"Well what else does Mr. Seducer do, hm?" Hee-Ra chuckled.

I shrugged at her jest and huffed. "Whatever floats your boat, Hee." 


Before I could open my mouth to retort, a person slowly approached us; they were calling out Jimin's name.

"Oh Jimin! It's been far to long.." The woman exclaimed gleefully.

"Doyun! It has been a while. Hee-Ra, meet Doyun, she's an acquaintance." Jimin replied, sending a smile to the woman.

Doyun took notice of me and bowed. "Ah the famous Song Hee-Ra!" She said, clapping her hands together with excitement.
She was lavish and exquisite from the sound of her voice to the subtle movements.

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