Suvira Book 4

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Here's the finale, I pulled all the strings for this one. Youce heard of enemies to lovers, but what about lovers to enemies??? Okay also I want to go on the record and apologize for the momentous amount of times I write Kuvira as Kuvjra. "i" and "j" look very similar at one in the morning. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this series, and I'm sure we'll see more Suvira in the future.

Kuvira folded her legs to her chest, looking at the walls of her cell. She didn't know what she expected to see in its grey walls.

"Kuvira." She turned to the bars where a guard stood opposite of her.
"Trial begins in an hour, here's a suit, compliments of the Avatar." He tossed the suit to her and she picked it up, holding it in front of her.

"Thank you." She said, and he dipped his head.

"Witness number three, Suyin Beifong, please take the stand." Kuvira avoided Su's gaze as the older woman made her way to the bench. She dressed in dark robes, Kuvira was almost certain she'd worn the same ones to a funeral.

"Please state your relationship to the defendant." The lawyer said, holding out a note pad.

"She was um... my associate." Kuvira flinched. She didn't know what she expected, she had broken any connection she had to Suyin that day she waltzed in and stole her son from her.

"You danced together, correct?"

"Yes. I was the teacher."

"Thank you, Mrs Beifong. Now, how would you describe the defendant prior to her crimes."

"Kuvira was- is, a very independent person. She didn't take no for an answer, she was assertive. But also, she was kind, underneath all that hate." Kuvira bowed her head, well aware of the glares coming from the rest of the Beifongs.

"Care to elaborate on hate?"

"For me. She hates me. Thats why she did this."

"Objection!" Someone called and Kuvira rolled her eyes at her own team. Let the woman speak, she wanted to hear this.

"Denied, continue, Council."

"We disagreed, politically, I mean.there was an incident, in a village outside of Zaofu where negotions got... violent. Kuvira was injured in the fight. I admit that I wasn't exactly trying to keep it peaceful but its not my fault." Su was looking at her now. The next words were meant for Kuvira, fuck the jury.

"We could've ran... we could've teamed up. You got stabbed Kuvira, and you act like it was my knife. I stitched you up in the middle of the goddamn woods! I let you live in my house for weeks after!"

"Mrs Beifong, please don't address the witness."

"Sorry," Su grumbled, slinking back in her chair.

"Thats quite alright. Please tell us about you're time when you were captured by her."


"Kuvira! Stop this! Let us go!"

"Will Zaofu join the empire?"


"Then you know my answer."

"Kuvira, please!" The great uniter sighed, flicking a wrist and gesturing for the guards to leave. Suyin was bound in chains, her bending prohibited by the metal cuffs secured around her hands. Kuvira stepped in front of her, sizing up her opponent. She was smaller than she remembered, perhaps it was because she cowered slightly at her presence, or maybe Kuvira had finally out grown her lover of the past.

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