Suyin Part 4

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2 weeks later

"You know when you said you wanted to make a prototype I didn't realize you meant you wanted to watch me make it," Su groaned as she bent another pillar from the sandy ground.

"Sorry, it's just, Your really good at this whole bending thing." Bataar said.

"There's multiple sand benders here, any of them would help you." Su found her self meters above the ground, on a pillar she had pulled from the earth.

"Yeah but, they don't capture my ideas like you do. Your a natural." Suyin couldn't help but smile. Bataar was always complimenting her, always making her feel liked and she couldn't tell if he reciprocated the feelings she had for him. She had dropped hints, time and time again, and he never see to pick up on them, or her never did anything with the information.

"Where did you graduate from again?" Su asked.

"University of Ba Sing Se," he replied, unaware of her intentions.

"Yeah well I think you outta give them that degree back." He looked up at her, his fake disapproval revealed by the smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth.

"Very funny. We're almost done, just one more there." Su nodded and pulled another pillar from the ground, in total there were nine pillars, in a circle shape of sorts.

"Wow you created... nothing." She said, admiring her work.

"Well that's because it lacks the finishing touches."

"Oh? Care to enlighten me?" She asked, hopping off the pillar and landing next to him, overlooking the paper he gripped in his hands.

"Imagine massive domes, made of metal, that encase city, serving as a top security system." Su marvelled at his drawing, and his idea, it was actually really good.

"Too bad we're in the middle of a desert." She said, kicking aside some sand.

"Yeah I've been thinking about that," he said, "I think it's time I moved on..."

"What?" She asked, shocked. "You can't leave!"

"Why not, I came here and did what I needed to do. There's more to be done, Ba sing Se isn't going to protect itself."

"I beg to differ," Su said with a tinge of sarcasm, "how many walls does that city have?"

"Point taken." He said flatly, rolling up his blueprints. "But Su, this is the middle of a desert, I mean how long did you expect to stay here?" In all honesty, Su hadn't thought about it. She didn't plan on going to the desert at all, but she met this cute boy on the ferry and it seemed like fate.

"I don't know... I guess I'd just assume I'd go on when it felt right. Like last time, and the time before that."

"Well, Su, I hate to burst your bubble but I don't think your lilyweed smoking waterbender friend is going to show up here any time soon." Su thought this, he was right, usually her path changed after an encounter with Kya, and she could stick with that, but it was a desert. She hated it here.

"You're right," she replied after a moment, "I'm coming with you tomorrow."


"Yeah, we're going to leave together, tomorrow. I hate it here, and I appreciate this time we have spent but I need to be somewhere I'm not constantly pulling sand out of my hair." Bataar lifted his eyebrows, pushing up his glasses like he always did when he was nervous.

"A-alright then. I guess we should pack."

"I guess we should," Su laughed, and they made their way back to the camp, rounding up their few belongings and informing their newfound friends of their departure.  A part of Su was surprised to find Bataar standing outside her tent, early that morning, waiting for her. Ready to go. She grinned and took his hand when he offered it, and together they boarded a sand sail and made way for the part of the earth Kingdom that was full of life. And their future.

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