Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I wanted to get away as quickly as I could. When I reached the fence of his enormous property the shouting slowly disappeared. 
I stepped onto the main road and waited until the taxi was there. 
Just before the taxi arrived I received a text message; how surprisingly, it was from Max.
He apologized for his behavior and wanted to bring me home. I told him I was fine going by taxi. I got in the cab and the driver drove off.
All of a sudden it hit me that this was the place where we actually first met. Around this block he drove up to me that Saturday morning.
So he wasn't that far from his home that day.

As I arrived at my apartment I stormed off to my bedroom and undid myself from the clothes he bought me. I decided to wash them and send them back to him this Monday. 
I ripped some old navy jeans out of my closet and a red shirt that had the 'Coca Cola' brand on it. I made a loose braid in my hair and slipped into my black Converse. That's when it hit me I left my dress and heels at his place.
I growled at the thought of it. Well, I guess I had to consider them lost.
Now it was time to go visit someone. 

"Can I talk to you?", I briefly asked Eddie. 
He took off his apron and laid it on the counter, asking the girl standing next to him to take it over.
"What is it?"
"I don't want to discuss it over here. Can we please go have a coffee somewhere?", I asked him.
He looked at me quizzically, but then he walked to the counter and said he'd be right back. I saw his partner standing in the kitchen; he caught my gaze and waved at me. I waved back at him and gave him a small smile.
As we were outside his café he asked why I wanted to talk to him.
"Let's go there, I'll explain it to you when we sit down."
"Now you're making me curious", he said while holding the door open for me to enter the lunchroom.
We took a seat in the back and ordered our coffee.
"So, come on! Tell me!"
I heaved a sigh before I started talking.
"I spend the night at Max's", I said in a whisper.
Eddie's eyes grew big as he let the words sink in.
Before he could say anything the waitress came to our table, placing our coffee in front of us.
"You what?! Did you sleep with him? OMG!", he exclaimed.
I frowned my eyebrows and realized what I just said.
In my defense I threw my hands up and shook my head.
"No! No! It's not what you think!", I spoke loudly.
He looked all confused at me so I started to tell the whole story.
While I was talking he gave me a few looks but didn't interrupt me.
"So he actually did you a favor...?"
I didn't really want to answer that. I knew he was right, but I was still mad for him treating me like a kid.
"Mira! Come on! We talked about this! I thought you would stop acting like that!"
My eyes were glued to the table, while I wrapped my hands around the empty coffee mug. Slowly I nod my head in agreement.
"You can do better than that lifestyle. You are worth so much more than you think. I just wish you could see it too", he softly spoke while putting his hand on my arm. 
Right on time I could stop a tear from falling. I knew he was right, but it was all I knew to fill up the empty feeling I had. Maybe this time I didn't sleep with anybody, but I knew it was an addiction. Just like someone who is addicted to drugs.
"You are right that Max shouldn't have talked to you the way he did, but I think he meant well with you."
I looked at him, why did he always say the right things? It was very annoying.
"Mira, he is a good man. I just know it, give him a chance. Maybe he's what you're looking for. Stop this empty life and fill it with a good man instead of sleeping around all the time. Those men don't deserve you."
I had the need to feel miserable. There was that need to hurt myself. I couldn't live without that feeling anymore.
Without saying another word to him I left some money on the table and left. 
Tears were streaming down my face. I had to get home as fast as I could.
I curled up on my couch, listening to some music and thinking about my life.
How hard I tried not to cry, tears were still forming in my eyes. At one point I stopped fighting them and let them just flow down my cheeks.
I must have dozed off to sleep because when I woke up the sun was almost gone.
While yawning I stretched my arms and legs and sat up. A knock on my door startled me a bit. I was not in the mood for company so I just kept still and didn't make any effort to get up. 
Another knock on the door and a voice asking if I was there; it was Eddie.
"Mira, come on open up. I know you're home", he said firmly.
"I'm not! Now go away!", I yelled from my couch. My legs were pulled up to my chest, my arms embraced them and my head was resting on my knees.
He chuckled as he heard my answer.
"Come on, I have something for you."
What could he possibly have for me?  Now I was curious..
After a few seconds of contemplating to whether or not I should open the door I finally got up and opened it.
Eddie waltzed right in, before I could even properly tell him to do so.
He had a white box which he placed on my kitchen counter.
"What is that?" I asked curious looking at the box.
"Well, you have to open it."
I shrugged my shoulders and opened the box. There was an envelope in it and my dress and shoes from the other night.
"Before you say anything, open up the envelope", Eddie said as he saw my face when I found out what was in the box.
"How did you get this?", I asked staring at the envelope in my hand.
He stayed silent, leaning on my kitchen counter, crossing his arms in front of his chest. 
"Read. The. Card."
I finally sat down at my kitchen table and opened up the envelope.

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