Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"The food is lovely", I said. "And the ambiance, the candles, the music, the dimmed lights..I really love it Max, thank you."
How could a man prepare all this. I swear, I always thought these were the kind of things you would only see in a music video.
"Everything for you my Mira. Nothing is good enough for you", he said.
I wonder where he got the idea. Maybe he had a big brother whispering idea's into his ear.
Coming to think off, he never told me if he had any siblings. I never asked before and he just never told me. As I'm thinking about it, he never mentioned any of his family members.
"Hmmm?", he put down his wine glass while swolling the last of his sip.
"Do you have any siblings?"
He stayed silent for a few seconds.
"I do", he answered.
My lips parted a bit and I let out a sigh. I don't know why, but I guess I didn't expect this answer.
"Oh...", was all I managed to say.
"Why did you never mentioned that to me?", I asked.
"You never asked."
He intwined his fingers and put them under his chin.
"Uhm, no I know. But you never mentioned them either."
My voice sounded a bit hesitating. I wasn't really sure how to react to it.
"My brother isn't that important honey. I don't see why we should talk about it right now. Shall we save this conversation for another time?", his huskey voice spoke.
"So you have a brother...", my voice ebbed away.
"Yes, a brother. His name is Raymond, but we just call him Ray."
I needed to process the idea of Max having a brother, not that it was really shocking. If we are talking about family, is our relationship becoming a bit more serious?
I mean I know he knows about my family and stuff, but this is feeling so much more official. Well, at least for me it does.
He grabbed my head and he looked at me.
"I just don't want our romantic night getting ruined by this", he sweetly spoke.
I smiled at him and heaved a sigh.
"You know Max, you're the sweetest man I know!"
"And you're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen!", he said kissing the back of my hand.
He then got up and lead me to the pillows. He turned the screen on and we sat down. I cuddled up to him and he put his arms around me, hugging me tight.
His soft lips pressed a sweet kiss on the top of my head.
"So what movie are we gonna watch?", I asked as I stared at the screen.
"Well.. I wasn't sure what you liked so I picked three movies", he answered.
"I kinda like anything, but it has to have a good storyline."
"Agreed! I hate movies where the storyline is shitty. Oh and action, there has to be action in it of course. And hot sexy women."
My head shot to the left and I frowned my eyebrows at him.
He stared at me from the corner of his eyes and then he burst out to laugh.
I stomped his arm.
"You should have seen your face", he laughed.
"Yeah, well I like some hot men", I said sticking out my tongue.
"But to get back to our conversation, there should be humor too. Nothing like a good laugh."
He laughed again.
"Nothing babe, I just like we're having this in common, that's all."
"If we didn't we surely would have had a problem", I said.
"Yes we would!"
"Because of you I'm in a romantic mood, so maybe we could watch a romcom?", I carefully asked.
"What if that's not in the collection tonight?"
"Hmm...then we would have to make our own romcom."
I started kissing him.
My hand stroke his masculine jar, then to the back of his neck.
He grabbed the back of my head and his fingers playfully grabbed my hair.
Slowly he guided me down, putting me down on the comfy pillows.
"You're so sweet and beautiful Mira", he whispered out of breath.
"I want you to be mine. You need to be mine."
All I could do was look at him, his piercing blue eyes captivated me and left me all speechless. The scent of his cologne, this touch of his hands and the magic his lips used on me made me feel like a goddess.
I just grabbed his head and lead him to my lips again as he passionately kissed me a soft moan escaped my lips.
He worked his magic from my neck to my collarbone, his hand slipped down the strap of my dress and he lowered his kisses when the sound of my cellphone harsly disturbed our magical encounter.
I tried to get up but he held me down.
"Don't get it. Let it go."
"Max, no", I breathed. "It could be my one of my parents."
I pushed him aside and fixed my strap.
I tried to sound as normal as I could, trying to breath normally.
"Mira? Mira, is that you?"
"Yes, it's me. Mom? Is that you?"
The line wasn't very clear and she sounded kinda upset.
"Mira, please you have to come get me!"
"What? Mom? Where are you?"
Max was standing next to me, looking at me quizzically.
"Calm down. Where are you?", I asked trying not to freak out.
"I don't know where I am."
"Calm down, tell me what do you see."
"I think I'm near the hospital, but I'm not sure. They did horrible things to me there Mira. You have to come get me!"
She sounded scared and upset.
"Okay, just stay where you are, I'm coming to find you, okay? Don't leave!"
"What's going on?", Max asked concerned.
"My mom. I think she ran away from the hospital. I have to go get her", I said all confused looking for my stuff.
Max walked after me, stopping me half way on the stairs.
"Let me drive you. I don't want you going out there on your own, besides you don't have your car with you. I picked you up, remember?"
Shit! I totally forgot about that.
"Let's go! I don't want to let her be out there alone for too long. I don't know if she'll stay where she is right now."
We walked up the stairs, got our coats and headed out the door.
Max drove as fast as he could. As if this wasn't enough it started raining very bad, which made it even harder to look for her.
We drove up to the hospital and from there on we slowly went down the road.
"We'll never find her like this!", my voice trembling with every word I said.
"Shhh, don't panic honey. We'll find her."
After half an hour we saw someone strolling down the road.
"Stop! Stop! I think that's her!"
Max pulled over and I jumped out of the car.
"Mom!", I yelled.
She turned around and it was her. She was soaking wet, walking in only her hospital gown, no shoes and her hair all messy.
"Oh Mira!", she cried and collapsed in my arms.
"Mom!", I cried.
We fell to the floor and I saw Max getting out of his car, rushing over to us.
He picked her up bridal style and I rushed to the car opening up the car so he could put her on the backseat.
He laid her down and got in the car.
"Where do you want me to take her?", he asked.
"I don't know. I don't think she would want to go back to the hospital", I said looking over my shoulder.
"What do we have to do?"
He stayed silent for a few minutes, his hands on the steeringwheel, just looking straight ahead.
"I think it's best if we do bring her back", he suddenly spoke.
"But...but she.."
"I know honey, but we don't know what happened. For all we know there is something wrong with her. She needs to be examined by a doctor."
I looked at the backseat again, where she still laid down, her eyes closed, her body shivering.
"Okay, let's go to the hospital."
We drove to the hospital and as we got there I explained the situation.
They took her away to the psychiatric ward again.
I watched the nurses carefully as the put her back into her bed, Max next to me, his arm around my shoulder. My head leaned on his chest as tears streamed down my face.
"Is she gonna be okay?", I asked.
"She'll be fine. There will be someone with you in just a few okay?", one of the nurses said and then they walked away.
I walked up to the bed and grabbed my mom's hand. It was all cold and I bursted out into tears.
Why did she ran away? What was going on?
"Miss? Are you family?"
I turned around and saw a doctor standing at the end of her bed.
With the back of my hand I wiped away some tears.
"I'm her daughter."
"Can you tell me what happened?", he asked as he looked at her chart.
I took a deep breath to keep my tears from coming and to steady my voice.
"I'm not sure. She called me about an hour and a half ago. She was very scared and asked me to come pick her up."
He nodded his head and put the chart back. Then he walked around the bed and checked her heartbeat.
"Did she say anything specific?"
I shook my head. "Not that I can remember."
"No. Wait. She said something like horrible things were done to her here."
"I see", he said.
He did some other tests and wrote some things down.
"Let's step into my office", he then said.
"But I want to stay with her."
"I understand, but it's really important that I can explain some things to you."
I nodded my head in understanding, kissed my mom on her for head and carefully placed her hand back onto the bed next to her body.
Max stopped me in the hallway.
"Just go, listen to what he will tell you, okay? You can do this. I'll be here waiting for you, okay?", he kissed my forehead.
"Aren't you coming with me?", I asked.
"No, it's not my place to go in there with you. I'm right here", he said and pinched my hands.
I took a deep breath and walked to the doctor who lead me to his office.
"Please, take a seat."
I sat down and folded my arms.
"In the time your mother has been here she has had a few psychoses. We're trying to figure out what exactly is causing them."
My breath choked and my stomach turned into a knot. I didn't know what I heard, let alone to react to it.
"She has tried to escape before, but the nurses caught her in time. It's best if you don't inform your father about this. We will call him tomorrow and ask him to visit. We want to try other medicine to calm her down a bit more until she is stable enough for therapy. Do you understand anything of what I just told you?"
I frowned my eyebrows a bit and nodded my head.
"Yeah, I guess", I softly spoke.
"We are going to do everything to get your mother healthy again. It was a very good thing you brought her back here. I'm very sorry this happened and that you had to come and get her. We will make sure she won't be able to do that again."
I was too astowned to say anything. All I could do was nod.
"She might have caught a cold, but other than that she is okay. We're keeping a close eye to her and as soon as she will wake up we'll call you. For now, please go home and get some rest, okay Miss?"
Again I nodded my head and got up.
He put out his hand and I shook it, then I walked out of his office.
Max was sitting there, as soon as he saw me he got up.
"Are you okay honey?", he said hugging me.
"I..I... "
I looked at him with tears in my eyes. I was exhausted.
"Take me home, please. Your home?", I softly cried.
"Of course honey. Let's go", he whispered.

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