Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

He just walked away like nothing happened. There I was, in my bathrobe, standing in the doorway of my hotel room watching him walk away.
I closed the door and crawled into my bed.
What was I to do, every time he found a way to sweep me off my feet. I can't deny he's hot, cause he is. Any woman with a good pair of eyes could see that.
Maybe after this business trip he would leave me alone. The only thing I need to do is get through this.
With that in my mind I closed my eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.

It was an early morning for me. I dragged myself out of bed and strolled into the shower. That always helps me waking up in the morning.
Downstairs I quickly shoved some breakfast down my throat and hurried to the conference room to set everything up.
A few other men trickled in and around nine everyone was there. I opened up my laptop and started taking notes. I swear this was the most boring part of my job. Hearing a bunch of suits talk about business.
The weird thing was, Max totally ignored me. He only nod at me as he came in. He didn't say word, he didn't wink, he hardly looked, he did not even smile at me.
This man was confusing me so bad!
Finally, lunch break! I was ready to go outside and get some fresh air. I walked passed Max, but again; nothing.
The sun was blinding me when I got out, I forgot my sunglasses. But that didn't stop me from being outside. I sat on the lawn in front of the hotel. There was a nice fountain in the middle and at the end of the lawn there were palm trees. I watched people arrive and leave. There was a couple who just got married, well that's what the sign on the back of their car said. The groom lifted the bride up and carried her all the way inside, laughing and kissing each other.
Some children were running around while I heard their parents say to calm down. I overheard another couple arguing, the girl ran off, leaving her boyfriend behind.
I checked my phone for the time, I had just enough time to eat a sandwich. So I got up and made my way back inside. When I walked into the dining area my eyes met up with his. Nothing happened. It was like he was looking right through me. He then turned around and continued his conversation with the man standing next to him. I wasn't even hungry anymore so I went back to the conference room and grabbed a coffee there.
"Lunch break isn't over yet, Mira", Mr. Hensley said while I took a seat next to him. "I know."
"Did you ate something?", he asked not looking away from the document he was reading.
"Yes I did", I lied while opening up my laptop.
My eyes stared at the words in front of me, but I didn't even know what they said. All I could think about was why Max ignored me after last night.
He was all flirty and now he acts like I don't even exist.
Before I knew it everyone was back into the room and the meeting continued. Every now and then I had to hide my head behind my screen to yawn.
Just when I thought how much longer this would last I heard Max clear his throat.
"Okay, so tomorrow we will visit some of the property we talked about. This was it for today", Max spoke as he stood up. "Gentlemen, thank you for joining us."
Everyone gathered their stuff and left the conference room. I finished up my work and started packing my belongings too.
Mr. Hensley and Max were talking as I walked by them. I didn't want to give Max any attention, but I knew I had to, as being a professional.
I stopped and turned around to face them.
"Mr. Woods, Mr. Hensley, I will see you tomorrow. Have a nice evening gentlemen", I said with a nod and a small smile.
"Mira, would you please wait for me in the lobby. I'll be right there", Mr. Hensley said as he scratched the back of his head.
"Of course sir", I answered and walked away.
"Bye Miss Prasad", Max deep voice spoke just before I walked through the door.
It gave me chills down my spine.
As I didn't want to give it anymore thought I walked to the lobby and waited there for Mr. Hensley.
All caught up in my thoughts I just sat there.
"Miss? Miss, excuse me", some unfamiliar voice brought me back to reality.
I stared at a pair of dark brown eyes, who looked at me quizzically.
"You're phone has been ringing for a while now", he said pointing out at my bag where my phone was hiding in.
Embarrassed as I was I said a quick 'thank you'. The friendly man, obviously amused by me, strolled to the main area with a smile on his face.
When I finally got hold of my phone it had stopped ringing. The screen said I had one missed called from my mother.
Just when I wanted to call her back I saw my boss walking up to me; Max next to him.
I got up when he was near me. Max walked along, again without even giving me a glare.
"Mira, I want to ask you if you want to stay with me for one more day. I need you with the little tour Mr. Woods has planned for tomorrow."
"No problem sir. I will be there to accompany you. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
He asked if I wanted to join him for dinner so we could discuss what my tasks for tomorrow are. It was all fine by me, as long as Max wouldn't be there too.

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