Chapter 33

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Chapter 33


At fast pace he walked through the building. He didn't know why he was ackey like that, but he felt like he wanted to punch everyone in their face.
His employees where whispering, their words float in the air surrounding him.
People looked up from their screen, exchanged looks and some dropped their papers.
He could feel the looks, the words scraped his ears, some he heard some just flew by. But he didn't care.
He was used to it.
Although he rarely got out of his office, every now and then he did.
For really important things, or, the times that wouldn't let Mira through to come see him.

He shook his head, in an attempt to lose the image of her face. As if he didn't see her anywhere.
Every day he thought about her. Matter of fact, it was even worse when he went to bed.
He laid awake for hours, just thinking about her. Recapping almost all the things they did together and how it ended up like this.
Just as he regretted the decision to let Claire work at his office, she came up to him.
"Hi", she said with a sultry voice.
Max frowned.
He had never heard her speak like that.
"Miss Thompson, what is it? I'm busy."
"Well, I saw you have that work dinner scheduled and I figured you maybe could use some company."
"I'm fine", he said and tried to walk away from her but she kept his pace.
"I did some research on that man and I know he likes it when business partners have a partner or preferably are married."
The look on his face said it all.
"Well, I mean", she laughed, "of course we can't marry before that day."
"Is that all?" The words left his mouth with an icy touch to them.
"All I'm saying is that, if you have someone by your side, he might be more willingly to co-operate with you."
He knew he had to keep it professional, but every inch of his body wanted to slam her against the wall and tell her to fuck off.
When he came to think about it, he'd rather not, cause she'd probably like it.
"Thank you, now get back to work."
"Yes boss", she said.
It took everything in his power not to do anything. He kept walking, she kept staring at him.
"How obvious."
Chewing gum one of the receptionists stated: "She could've just take her panties off. Same energy."
The others laughed until Max walked by.
Their faces immediately became neutral and they pretended to work.
Max was used to this. He knew all of his employees talked about him, it was part of his role as CEO.
He knew his staff, he knew all too well what happens when the tabloids are full of gossip about you.
But he could care less.
"Damn it. Where is my ride?", he growled.
He grabbed his phone and called his assistant. "I thought I'd told you to make sure my ride would be there?", he spoke with a loud voice.
"I did Mr. Woods", she said.
"Oh is that so? How come no one is there?", he said as his voice got louder.
The receptionists all looked at each other and almost simultaneously rolled their eyes.
"I'm sorry Mr. Woods, I will check again. Please hold."
Angrily he paced up and down, while looking outside to see where his driver was.
"There was a delay but he-"
Before she could finish her sentence he hung up on her as he saw the car stopping in front of the doors.
"You're not my regular chauffeur."
The man didn't say anything, he just held the door open so Max could get in.
"Drive to my place first, then –"
Before he could go explain the rest of his plans, his phone rang and he got caught up in another business call.
Due to traffic he arrived home later than he'd hoped to.
"Please wait here, I have to change, I'll be right back."
The driver just nodded his head.
Max went inside to change.
"Ria? Where are you?", he yelled as he ran upstairs.
"I'm right here sir."
He looked at her, than to her hands.
She held some things that belonged to Mira.
"What are you doing? Where are you taking that?"
"Sir, you told me to gather the things that she left behind."
He stayed silent. Memories of them flashed before his eyes.
"Sir?", she said patiently waiting.
"I'm sorry, Ria. Just leave them in a box. Don't throw them away."
He walked off to his bedroom and started to undress.
Just before he went into the shower his phone rang. With Mira in his mind he rushed to his bed, where he had left his phone and answered.
"Hello?", the hope in his voice indicated that he wanted it to be her on the other line.
"Max, this is David. I heard you are bringing someone with you to the meeting tonight."
Max sat down on his bed, letting the words sink in.
"What do you mean?", he said confused.
David laughed. "I mean the gorgeous blonde that will be by your side. I have to say man, I'm glad you came to your senses again."
If David could have seen the look on Max' face, he probably wouldn't know what to say.
"I'm not sure what you mean."
"Come on man, what were you thinking ditching that Thompson girl and getting a downgrade", he laughed.
Grinding his teeth he bit his tongue. He knew that if he would get mad, he would lose the deal, but he also didn't want anyone to talk about Mira that way.
"Yeah, well uhh, I know you like blondes so I thought why not invite Miss Thompson", he laughed awkwardly.
David laughed saying: "Alright man, see you in a bit. You are probably busy."
They hung up and Max angrily threw his phone away. "Fucking asshole!", he yelled out.
He walked into the shower and let the whole conversation play in his head over and over, while the hot water ran over his body.
He never invited Claire. It was very obvious what had happened. Claire set the whole thing up and she knew he couldn't get out of it, because, clever as she is, she probably had studied David.
She did her research well, he had to give her that.
He grabbed a towel and walked out of the shower. As many suits has he has, the one he wanted to wear tonight wasn't in it.
Just as he wanted to walk over to the hallway to call Ria, she stood at the door. Holding his freshly pressed suit in her hands, smiling.
He smiled and walked over to her. "Ria, what would I do without you!", he exclaimed.
"Here you go sir", she handed him the hanger. "Sir, if you don't mind me asking."
He looked at her, anticipating what she would say. "Ria?"
"Well, are you taking Mira out? I mean, because, uhm you said you had an important meeting?", she could barely look at him.
He heaved a sigh and walked over to his bed and sat down. Neatly displaying the suit next to him.
Ria walked over to him and grabbed the suit. She removed the plastic and hung it on the back of the bathroom door.
"No, I wish. I don't think she wants to see me." His voices dripped of sorrow.
"Sir, I'm so sorry. I really thought you and Mira were such a great couple. To be honest, I actually thought you were going to propose to her in a while", she softly spoke.
"You, know I have done the worst thing I could do."
"What is it?"
"I hired Claire to work at my company."
Ria's face was full of sympathy, she sat down on one of the chairs. Before she could say anything Max began to talk.
"It's not like I wanted to. But her dad has a lot of influence in this town, you know."
Ria nodded.
"So he called me and asked me if I could offer her a job. I think he feels guilty for everything he has done to his family, or at least to his daughter and him and I go way back", he continued.
"I know."
"But I never should have done that. The meeting that I have tonight is a business meeting with David Reece, from Reece constructions."
Ria's eyes got bigger and she looked at him with understanding.
"That's almost the largest construction company of the country."
"You see, he likes the traditional family. I think he is a republican. At least he's very right, I know that. So he likes these blond women. I don't know how many divorces he has had, but still he says he values family life, whatever that may mean."
Ria just sat there, listening to Max pour his heart out. It didn't happen often, but she knew, that when he did, it was serious.
Max told her what had happened earlier at the company and David had called him.
"So Claire told him that she would accompany you tonight. Do you think she wants you back?"
"I don't know", he shrugged. "Maybe.. She knows that Mira and I broke up."
"And now you don't know what to do, right."
"I can't cancel this meeting, cause I need this project to go on. Some of my investors have made it very clear they really want his company to do the construction. But, I don't want to be seen with her. All eyes are on me right now. It feels like I can't make a move without any paparazzi seeing me..."
"..And if Mira sees you and Claire together again, you know she doesn't want anything to do with you anymore."
"Exactly. I was really hoping there would be a chance for us, you know? I really lover her so damn much."
Ria got up and dusted off her apron, even though there was nothing on it.
"Sir, I think you have no other choice than to sit this night out. Just make sure you won't get to close to Claire."
She than walked off.
Max started to dress himself. Normally he would put on some cologne but with the foresights of this night he wanted to do his best not seduce Claire in anyway. Although he knew she didn't need much.
As he walked down the stairs, his pace slowed down. He heard a familiar voice.
"Oh no", he thought to himself.
"Max! There you are. God, you look so sexy. Damn!", Claire exclaimed. "Your driver picked me up. Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah sure", he said as monotone as he could.
"Well, aren't you going to compliment me on my dress?", she said as she twirled in front of him.
"It's nice." He didn't even look at her and went straight for the door.
Claire's face turned into a thundercloud and angrily she strutted towards him in her high heels.

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