Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

The cab arrived at the mansion of Claire's parents. I was a little late, cause I forgot her present so when the cab arrived I had to go back up to get it.
I hated to walk into a party which was already very crowded.
"Mira! Hello! Come in!"
Claire's mother was a very friendly lady. She had short blond hair and was just as tall as Claire. For a woman her age she was very pretty too. She always looked stunning. She had to, as her husband being one of the most richest men in town. But I knew she was unhappy. She never said it, but she knew her husband cheated on her with his younger secretary. How cliché, I know.
I always felt sorry for her. He was drunk a lot too and often left her alone in the mansion while getting drunk and gambling at the casino or just staying at a hotel in Vegas with his secretary.
Still she never once let her guard down and always kept smiling. Claire would never talk about it. I found out through some collegues at work, once they I found out she is my friend.

"Hello Mrs. Thompson!", I said cheerfully.
"Please, just call me Rachel!"
I could never get used to just calling her by her first name. Even though I knew her for quit a while now.
She helt the door open and I stepped in. There were balloons everywhere and a big vase with I think about a hundred rosed was placed on a side table in front of the huge staircase.
"What do you have there?", she said pointing at the gift I held.
"I made this for Claire, I hope she likes it", I answered a little insecure.
"I'm sure she'll love it! Claire!!"
"Wow you look stunning!", I said as she walked towards me.
She had a tight red dress on, with a cleavage that almost came down to her belly button. Her hair was put back and tied up very neatly.Her lips were painted sensual red and her make up was perfect.
"That neckless is beautiful! Oh and those earrings!!", I exclaimed.
"Thank you sweetheart!", she said giving me a hug.
"I got them from my mom and dad, real diamonds! Can you believe it!"
"Oh my God!!"
"What do you have there?", she asked pointing at the present.
"Oh yeah, this is for you", I said handing it to her.
She unwrapped it and couldn't believe her eyes.
"It's beautiful! Thank you so much!!", she exclaimed a bit shocked.
"Are you sure?", I said insecure.
"Yes I'm sure!!"
"Oh my God! Mira did you paint this?", her mom asked surprised. She now stood behind Claire and her eyes took in the painting I made.
"Yes I did", I said shyly my eyes facing the floor.
"Mira! Did you make that?"
"Can you believe it?", Mrs. Thompson said.
"It's absolutely beautiful. I didn't know you could paint", Mr. Thompson said admiring the portret of his daughter.
"So, um happy birthday", I said.
"It's really beautiful Mira, thank you", Clair said while embracing me.

Some other people came to see what was going on, which made me even more shy. I was so out of my comfortzone right now.

Quickly I grabbed the opportunity to walk away.
Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around, a bit startled.

"I didn't know you could paint that well", his deep voice spoke.

His eyes sparkled as a small smile plastered on his face. He had a three piece suit on, which I must admit looked sexy on him.

"What are you doing here?", I asked surprised.

"Some champaign, Miss?"
I turned around to face a waiter holding a tray with glassess of champaign in his hand.
"Thank you", I smiled.

"Thank you", Max said and grabbed a glass from the tray.
The waiter walked away and continued his work.
"Let's go outside", he said. He held his arm out for me to hold on to and so I did.
"You look absolutely beautiful, my love",he whispered in my ear as we walked away from the hall.
"Thank you, you're not so bad looking yourself either", I chuckled.

Outside by the pool we saw a small bench and sat down.
There weren't many people around so it was perfect.
The decorations were beautiful. There were these tiny lights, placed in the trees that surrouned their huge backyard. Tables with white sheets that were neatly drapped around them were spread out all through the back. There was a big stage set up with a DJ spinning populair tunes. In front of the stage was a dancefloor where a small group of people were dancing and chatting.
Waiters and waitresses walked around serving all kinds of small dishes.
To the left was a big outdoor kitchen with two chef's preparing meat. A big salad bar was in front of them.
Claire's mom knew how to throw a party.
"So tell me more about your paintings", he said.
"I don't know what to say", I shrugged.
"Well, why didn't you told me you could paint?", he asked.
"I don't know, it's not that big of a deal", I answered.
"I think it is. You are really talented, Mira", he said.
I laughed; "You just saw one painting."
"I think if I would see more, I'd be amazed", he said staring into my eyes.
"Stop it! You're making me blush", I said, turning my head away from him.
His index finger tipped my chin, making me face him.
"Don't be so shy, you have a talent. You can be proud of that."
His lips came closer, I felt them press a sweet, soft kiss on mine.
We watched a bunch of people dance to the fast beats the DJ was spinning. I wasn't really sure if I should ask him why he was here. I didn't want to nag about it. Quickly I finished my champagne and put the glass beside me.
"So why are you actually here?", I asked as casual as possible.
He turned his head to face me, obviously stirred by the question I asked.
"I got invited by some of Claire's friends and then I ran into her mother this morning. She also asked me to come", he answered.
"I actually only came, because I hoped to see you", he said.
"Why didn't you call me to ask?", I said frowning my eyebrows.
"I don't know. I don't really know where we stand, Mira", he said.
"Me neither", I answered. "You know I like spending time with you, but I don't think I'm ready for anything serious just yet."
"That's okay. We can take our time."
I was about to put my head on his shoulder, when I saw Claire approaching us.
She had a big smile and she only seemed to have an eye for Max.
"Max, my mom asked if you could come to the kitchen. She wanted to show you something", she said stopping in front of us.
I straightened up and wiped away some imaginary dust from my dress.
"I'm having company here", he said putting his hand on my leg.
"I'm sure she wouldn't mind", Claire said encouraging.
"It's okay", I said faking a smile.
"Are you sure?", he asked.
"Yeah, sure. Go head. I'll catch up with you later", I lied.
My stomach twisted while they walked away.
I saw Claire laughing excessively, hanging on to him.
There I was, alone again. You would say I should be used to that by now, but I wasn't. After a few minutes I decided to go to the bar and get myself drink.

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