Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

If only I could tell him why I let my family treat me the way they do.
He doesn't know what it was like for me to grow up around them. It was too much right now and I needed some distraction before my mind would go crazy.
"I don't want to visit my mother today, Max."
He grabbed my head with his hands and leaned in.
Softly he whispered to me, his lips inches away from mine;
"Anything you want baby girl."
His voice, the way he stood close to me, his breath, his lips and his look gave me shivers all over my body.
He could make me feel like I was the only person in the universe by hardly saying anything.
"Do you want to go back to my house or shall we continue walking a little bit?", he asked.
"Let's walk for a bit. I need a distraction so please tell me something about your brother."
I could see by the look on his face he was a little surprised by my words.
A sigh escaped from his lips.
"My brother is not that interesting to be honest with you." He folded his hands behind his back and looked a bit uncomfortable.
"So you have told me before, but he must mean something to you, since he is your brother. Why don't you want to talk about him?"
Silence lingered in the air before he answered me.
"Ray isn't really a person who'd I like for you to meet."
He paused for a few seconds, then continued to speak.
"I haven't spoken to him for a long time and I have good reason not too. You know, he's just not worth mentioning or talking about. I much rather be talking about you", he said.
I felt a blush coming on my face. It was not the first time he spoke to me like that and yet he still made me blush.
"Don't get shy with me now."
A smile appeared on my face and I even chuckled a little bit.
"You already know so much about me and even about my family. What more can I tell you?"
As I finished that sentence we just made it back to his house.
"Well, for instance you could tell me if you want to spend another night at my place", he said embracing me.
His forehead touched mine and I could hear him take in my scent. I did the same. His cologne smelled so good, I had to restrain myself from getting on my tiptoes and press my lips softly onto his neck.
The idea had me breathing fast and I noticed his breath accelerated too. Before we knew it our lips touched and we both slightly parted them.
Our tongues intertwined with each other, it started slowly but it didn't take long for him to pick me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and let my hands run over the back of his head.
His hands firmly grabbed my booty to keep me in place.
Heavily breathing and kissing we stood there for a little while, as the whole world just seemed to disappear.
As we came down, for me also literally, putting my feet on the ground, we just looked at each other.
All I wanted now was him.
"Mira, please come inside with me and stay", his husky voice whispered.

Again our heads were pressed to each other and his hands tangled in my hair, holding the side of my head.
I took a deep breath and said; "Hmm, Max... As much as I want too, I can't..."
"Why..?" he breathed.
"Because I have work in the morning and I really need some time for myself after all this drama with my mother", I sighed.
For a few minutes we stood there, him holding my head with his hands, our forheads pressed against each other and nothing but our breaths escaping softly from our lips.
"I can't let you go anymore Mira. Please just stay", he begged.
I took his hands and slowly led them away from my head, holding them while looking at his perfectly blue eyes.
"Max, please don't. I need you to bring me home."
He kept my eyes locked to his, for a moment I thought he would get really upset, but he gave in.
"Okay, I'll drive you home."
I know this isn't what he wanted and maybe not even what I wanted deep in my heart, but it was the best thing to do for now.
I had to clear my head and also be able to rest a little for work. All this drama with my mother didn't do any good to my mood or my energy.
Also, the whole thing about Max not wanting to talk about his brother was causing a little bit of chaos in my head.
I was curious about that whole situation and him being so mysterious about it didn't made it any better.
He dropped me off at my place and to be honest I was actually happy to be alone.
I needed some time for myself to clear my head. If I stayed at his place Max would have been to much of a distraction.
This was actually one of the first times I felt comfortable with my decision. Normally with stressful things like this I liked the distraction of a man in my life. Tonight I was totally fine with being alone with my thoughts.
I took a hot shower and did some laundry.
When I sat down my phone buzzed. I picked it up and saw I had a few missed calls.
There were two from my dad, two from my brother and a whole bunch of Max. Just when I wanted to put it away my screen lit up and there was an incoming text from Max.
'Baby, why don't you pick up your phone? I need to know if you are okay.'
For a moment I hesitated to text back. I really needed some space but he has been so good to me, it would have been rude not to answer him.
So I decided to send him a short text that I was okay and that I was going to bed soon.
As for my brother and father I didn't call them back. I was in no mood to even think about them, let alone talk.
I growled at the sound of my alarm clock. Morning has come too early.
Stretching and yawning I pushed away my blanket and made an attempt to get up.
Last night I was so tired I fell asleep on the couch, waking up in the middle of the night not knowing if I was in my own home or with Max.
As soon as I realized I was in the comfort of my own place I moved myself from the couch to my bed.
"Okay I have to get out of my bed."
I jumped into the shower and got ready to leave for work.
As I got to the building a familiar silhouette appeared in my sight.
The closer I got the more I wanted to run away.

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