Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I never texted him back. I won't deny I had a good time, it was nice, but that was all there was to it.
A busy week full of work was just what I needed. Everything to not think about my date with Max. I even avoided Eddie that week, I did not need him to be all up in my business and ask how it went. He would only push to go on another date.

Just before I was ready to pack my things and go home I received a text message from an old friend of mine. Well, he wasn't really a friend, he was someone I bumped into at a bar once and we spent some nights together when we were lonely. I didn't even know I still had his number in my phone.
He asked me if I was in the mood for a party, if so I could come to his apartment tonight.

Bring some of your girlfriends too.

I laughed, yeah sure I'll bring my invisible ones!
While cleaning my desk and turning off my computer I thought whether I should go or not. It was Friday and I could really use it to blow off some steam.
"Goodnight Mr. Hensley! I'll see you Monday!", I stuck my head around his office door and waved at him.
"Goodnight Mira! Have a nice weekend", he said not looking away from his laptop.
I smiled as I closed the door. He wouldn't be home before 8. His wife was used to it, she knew from the very beginning he is an workaholic.
He would always make it up with her by taking her on nice trips. I think I never saw a couple happy as they were, all these years they were together now.
My mind was drifting off while driving back home.
I didn't even know how I got to my parking lot.
As soon as my butt closed the door I kicked off my heels. Turning my TV on I dragged myself to my kitchen to make myself some dinner. I took my food and a soda to my couch. Sitting here I was thinking this was a pathetic way for a young girl like myself to spend Friday night.
I texted Jones I'd be there tonight, I might as well have some fun. Or not, but it would beat sitting at home all night.
Around 21:30 I was ready to go, one last check up in the mirror and I was good to go! The taxi was there waiting for me as I came outside.

When I arrived at the party there were already a lot of people. I didn't really know them, but I didn't care. While I walked to the table that had alcohol on it and poured myself a cup. Jones caught my eye and I walked up to him.
"Long time no see babe! You look hot and sexy as always!", he said slipping his hand onto my waist. Well, he wasn't sober anymore!
"Thank you. Nice party you have going on. What's the occasion?"
He laughed and slurred something I couldn't quite understand.
With more people coming in he let go of me and started talking to them.
Feeling my cup getting empty I poured myself some more alcohol. Doing that I felt my phone buzz in my purse.
I unlocked it to see who was contacting me.

You look beautiful as always.

It took my mind a moment or two to process what I just read. Then I turned my head and searched the room. All the way back, near the window I saw him standing; casual leaning against the window frame. He wore a black suit, which I need to admit, wasn't a bad look on him at all...
He was nodding his head for me to come to him. Making my way through the crowd I heaved a big sigh.
"Hi", I said shyly.
His hand stroke my cheek, while his blue eyes gazed into mine. He leaned towards me, his face almost touching me. His lips close to my ear.
"Hi beautiful."
"So what are you doing here?", he asked as he leaned back.
"I'm guessing the same as you", I fired back.
He laughed and shook his head.
I shrugged my shoulders and drank the last drip from my cup.
"I don't find you the type to go to parties like this", I said looking at all those people.
"That's why you should go on another date with me. You'll find out all sorts of fun facts about me!", he said smiling and winked at me.
"Oohh noo hahaha. Nice try sir! I don't fall for that. Well, it was fun talking to you! See ya!", I said and dragged my butt away from him.
I could feel his eyes piercing in my back.
This guy was really something! Just when I thought I would have a nice night, he had to be here too. I mean, what are the odds?!
After a while I didn't see him anymore. I don't know if it was the alcohol or he just left. I knew I had drank way too much, but I didn't care.
It was a good party, I danced with a lot of nice guys and had some fun conversations. At one point I kept dancing and kissing one guy. He was very handsome and smelled really nice. Not to mention, he was a good kisser!
I don't know how we ended outside, but we did. I had a hard time standing up.
"You kn-n-now.. I..I..Sssshhhh...", I slurred.
"Ssshhhh, girl. It's okay, I'll take you home", he said while he ran his hands over my body.
"Nah, stop!', I said trying to push him away from me but my hands lacked of power.
"Don't fight it, you know you want this too", he said pulling me close to him.
"Leave her alone!", a somehow familiar voice in the background calmly spoke.
I saw someone walking up to us and the guy I was with let me go.
"Fuck you!"
"I'm telling you nicely, leave her alone and you won't get hurt."
That was the last thing I heard before I passed out...

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