Chapter 26

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A/N I normally do this at the end of a chapter, but I wanted to let you all know that I meant to upload this chapter sooner. I just kept re writing it, because the first drafts were not feeling good enough. Also my own website is finally ready! I'm very proud of it, after working on it for months (also note that I am the least technical person there is lol!), so if you'd like you can check it out. (instagram is @ theromancequeennl) The link is also in my bio. This story will be up there, but also some of my poems and other stories will be up there too in the near future as I am probably quitting Wattpad after I finish this story here.

Then to the story, all I want to say is a big thank you to all of you who stick with me!! This chapter is a very important one for the rest of the story and will also reveal some things some of you have been asking for. Please let me know what you think in the comments and don't forget to vote :)

Song: I only have eyes for you- The Flamingos


Chapter 26

Today was the day my mom would be released from the hospital. Although my work is crazy (as always) I asked Mr. Hensly if I could leave a little earlier.
I knew my father said it wouldn't be necessary to come with him, when he would pick her up, but I still wanted to see her.
I didn't know if I could make it to her this weekend and just a phone call felt wrong.
After the nice time we had at the hospital I think I also wanted to hold onto that feeling. I think it was a rare moment that I truly felt connected to her.
The way she joked, thinking about it made me smile again. It was something I wasn't used to. Maybe it was the medication that made her like that, but if that was the case, it was proof they were working.
I arrived at the hospital a little earlier in case my mom needed help with packing her last things.
A knock on the door notified my arrival and made my mom turn around.
"Hi mom", I said with a friendly smile on my face.
The look on her face was priceless. She looked so happy to see me.
"I didn't expect to see you here", a big smile was plastered on her face.
With open arms she came walking towards me and as she reached me she placed both of her hands on my cheeks. She then kissed me on my forehead and hugged me.
At that moment my father walked in. He looked just as surprised as my mother when he saw me, maybe even more.
To be honest, I wasn't sure how he would react to me being here, despite him saying it wasn't necessary.
The first thing he did was walk up to my mother and placed a kiss on her cheek. Then he turned towards me.
"I didn't expect you to be here, but I am actually glad you are."
I heaved a sigh of relief.
"Where is Julian?", I asked.
"He's at home, making sure your mother will be as comfortable as possible when she gets home."
"Do you have everything mom?", I asked as I looked around her room.
"Yes, dear, I think so."
My dad gave me a nod and signed with his face, to make sure I would check everything. So I did.
In the meanwhile the nurse came by to talk the last things over and make sure she had enough medicine for the first days at home.
Lastly the doctor came.
"Ms Prasad, it's finally time to go home."
He smiled and in his arms he held a clipboard.
"Yes, finally! I can't wait to get out of here", my mother said.
We all laughed at her face, she looked so annoyed.
"You should be sure to take your medicine and try to go out at least once a day."
My mother nodded her head in understanding.
"I see you have some people to take care of you", he said as he looked at me and my father.
I gave a small smile when his eyes met mine.
"That's my daughter, she will be with me as much as she can, right Mira?", she said with pride in her voice.
"I will mom."
The doctor smiled, then turned to my father to let him sign some papers.
In the meanwhile I grabbed her overnight bag, so my dad didn't have to carry the most heavy one.
"That's it then, I want you to come back in two weeks again, so we can evaluate how it's going. Good luck."
He then shook our hands and left the room.
"Mira, after we get home, would you do me a favor and get me these?"
My father had a recipe for my mother's medicine.
"Sure", I whispered.
"Come Rani, let's go."
My dad crossed arms with my mother, I walked behind them. Seeing them walking like that, together made my heart warm. Although my relationship with my parents wasn't always the best, I knew they cared about each other. I knew how much my father loved my mother and how much it hurt him when she was depressed or having psychoses.
I don't know how many times he has been through this process of her being in and out of the hospital, but this time I really hoped it would be the last and she would finally get over the shame of taking medicine.
While I waited with my mom for my dad to get his car, I kept feeling my phone buzzing.
"Shouldn't you get that?", my mom asked, looking at my coat.
"No, you have my full attention mom."
"Mira, we're outside waiting, I'm finally enjoying some cold fresh air on my face. Just see who needs you, it might be your boss."
She convinced me to at least look, so I took off my glove and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

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