Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"You know, maybe you should take me home", I hesitantly said.
"Is something wrong?"
"No, it's just, you know I have work tomorrow", I answered.
He turned his head towards me, frowning his eyebrows as he leaned against the kitchen counter.
"So do I", he stated.
"Yeah... I know...", I sighed. "But it's just I have a lot to prepare."
"So I take it that you want to go?"
"I'm sorry, but yeah."
He looked disappointed, but I had to get out of here.
I began to feel more and more awkward about my emotional outburst.
"I'll go pack my stuff", I said walking towards the main hall.
Even being in the same room as him made me feel uncomfortable.
I started packing as I tried to jostle my thoughts. In the other room I could hear Max pack his stuff too.
My eyes wandered around the room to make sure I didn't forget anything. I saw something on the dressing table, grabbed it and put it in my make-up bag.
When I turned around I saw Max standing in the doorway.
"Are you all set?"
"I believe so", I said grabbing my bag.
"Here", he walked up to me, "let me get that."
He walked to his room to get his own bag and met me downstairs.
I just put on my coat as he placed down the bags to open the door.
"Mira", he said as he stroke my cheek, "are you sure everything is fine?"
My eyes met with the red carpet we were standing on and I was fidgeting from where I was standing.
"See, I knew there was something."
I could feel his eyes burning on my face, trying to get in contact with me.
"I'm fine, okay?", I said brushing his hand from my face, finally facing him.

The car ride was very awkward. We didn't really spoke with each other.
I just started out of the window, wishing we could move faster.
When we finally arrived at my apartment building I felt such a relieve. I wanted to grab my bag and just run inside and jump into my bed.
We both got out and he walked around his car to get my bag from the trunk.
"Thank you", I said when he handed me my stuff.
"You're welcome honey", he smiled.
Silence descend between us, it was a moment of awkward looks, fidgeting and some hair twisting from my side.
"You know I—"
"I know you need to go home."
A weak smile appeared on my face.
"Thank you for this great weekend. I really had a great time, Max", I said.
"You're welcome. I hope we can do this again sometime soon", he said moving closer to me.
Quickly I pecked a kiss on his cheek.
"Bye", I said while waving at him and walked towards the building.
His voice sounded sad which suited the look he had on his face. He didn't got in his car until he lost sight of me.
I didn't bring my phone with me so when I checked it I saw I had a few missed calls, some mail and a few texts. Eddie and my mother had tried to contact me.
I wasn't in the mood to talk to my mother so I decided to call her back later.
Just when I wanted to check my email, Eddie called me again.
"Hi Eddie!"
"He girl! I tried to reach you all weekend. Where have you been?", he sounded worried.
"I was with Max", I answered.
"What? Why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't know, I guess I forgot", I answered.
I laid down on my couch, twirling a strand of hair through my fingers.
"How can you forget to tell me that, oh my God", he exclaimed.
"Anyway, it doesn't matter. Do you have dinner plans already?"
"Not yet actually", I answered.
"Would you like to come over? Jerry is making an Indian dish. A recipe he got from your mother", he said.
"Sure, I'll be there in half an hour."
"Okay, good see you then!"

Before I drove up to their place I cleaned up my laundry from the weekend and put my stuff away. I changed my clothes and grabbed my bag.
Just when I wanted to start my car I heard my phone buzz.

Dear beautiful Mira. I miss you already.
I wish I could have you in my arms and kiss your sweet lips.
I had a great time with you, I hope we can do this again soon.
Love, Max

I heaved a sigh reading his text. For a few minutes I sat there with my phone in my hands, deciding whether to text him back or not. Eventually I decided to put my phone away.
When I arrived at Eddie and Jerry's apartment I rang their bell and they buzzed me in. The elevator took me to their floor. When I got there the whole floor smelled like Indian food. I smiled, Jerry could cook really well and he liked to try make all sorts of different things. If he could try something from another culture he would always do so. I remember him being so happy to get a few recipes from me, that I asked my mother for.
I knocked a few times on their door and Eddie opened up.
"Come here", he said and opened his arms.
We hugged and then he let me in, my nose lead me to the kitchen where I found Jerry behind the stove. He turned around and had a big smile on his face.
"Mira! It's so good to see you again!", he exclaimed.
"He sweetheart!", I said and gave him a hug.
"This smells so good! It's like I'm home!"
His face lit up and his eyes started to sparkle.
"I'm sure it will taste just as good as when your mom makes it", Eddie said while joining us in the kitchen.
"He has been cooking all day."
"I'm sure it will!", I said with a smile.
Eddie offered me a drink and we sat down at the kitchen table.
"So tell me, you were with Max?"
The curiosity was written all over his face.
"Yes, he invited me to stay in a mountain mansion", I answered.
Jerry turned around and whipped his hands to his apron.
"He what?", he exclaimed as he sat down next to me.
"Eddie, remember we had a drink?", he nodded his head, "well, after you were gone, Max came in and sat with me. He started talking to me and well eventually he invited me to come with him."
"Oh my God! How was it?", Jerry said excited.
"Mira, please tell me you didn't share a bed with him", Eddie said concerned.
I rolled my eyes and heaved a sigh. They both gave me a look.
These guys knew me too well.
"I did see his torso naked", I joked around.
"Girl, stop!", Jerry said playfully punching my arm.
"Uh, Jerry shouldn't you keep an eye on the food?", I said raising my eyebrows looking at the stove.
"Shit!", he jumped up from his seat and went to the stove.
He cursed under his breath as he got busy with the pans on there.
"Still listening though, so go on!"
Eddie and I laughed at the sight of him.
"Well, for starters, the house was beautiful, the location is perfect for romantic evenings", I told them wiggling my eyebrows.
"Mira", Eddie threatened.
I laughed, taking a sip of my drink and went on with my story.
"It was up in the mountains. The view from the living room was spectacular. You could see all over town and the lights at night were beautiful."
"Yeah, yeah, tell us what did you guys do", Eddie said impatiently.
"So, he was a real gentleman. First we had a really great dinner, which he prepared of course. After that we sat down at the fire place, with the best red wine I ever had."
"Oh girl, that sounds so romantic!", Jerry exclaimed from behind the stove.
"Thank you!"
"I gotchu girl!"
"Shut up Jerry!", Eddie said annoyed.
"We started talking about his hobby, wine, very expensive wine that is", I said.
Eddie nodded his head for me to continue.
"So we talked some more and then we kissed", I accelerated the last three words for them not to hear.
Eddie almost spit out his drink and Jerry burned his finger as I heard him swear.
I giggled; they were shocked.
"How was it? Is he a good kisser?"
"What did he taste like?"
"You guys, oh my God", I laughed.
They both shrugged as their looks were fixated on me.
"I don't kiss and tell", I winked and took a sip of my wine.
"Shut up!", Jerry yelled.
"Okay!", I laughed.
"No, don't shut up! Come on fill us in!", Eddie said.
"That was it", I told them.
"You're lying", Eddie squinted his eyes, "and you know it."
"Well, I got a bit tired and so he lead me upstairs. The room he took me too was beautiful", I said and started describing the room.
I could tell Eddie was annoyed, but Jerry found it amusing. He knew how impatient and curious Eddie could get.
"So then he said that that was the room I would be staying in", I continued, "he told me he would sleep in the room next to mine."
Both their mouths dropped and they were lost for words for a few seconds.
"See, I told you, he was a real gentleman."

As Jerry finished up the last things, Eddie and I made the table and we sat down to eat. During dinner I told them what happened the next day.
I told about my breakdown, about me suddenly wanting to leave and the text he had sent me just before I went to see them.

"Why didn't you text him back?", Jerry asked.
I hugged my coffee mug and put my feet up their couch.
Eventually I just shrugged as an answer.
"What are you afraid off sweetie?", Eddies voice sounded soft.
He tapped my leg and gave me a small smile.
"If you ask me, Max is the one", Jerry said.
"Oh, Jerry stop", Eddie said.
"What I am trying to say is, this man is serious. He wants to get to know you and he didn't run away when you broke down", Jerry explained.
I looked at him and gave him a small smile.
"Plus he didn't want to get into your panties. He even gave you your own room", he said dragging out the last word.
My lips blew against the mug in attempted to get rid of the steam. I took a sip and blew again.
"Just text him back. Go on another date", Eddie encouraged me.
"I don't know. I just hate myself for that meltdown", I said.
"Don't do that", Eddie said.
"What should I say?", I blurred out.
"Just say you had a good time too and that you look forward to see him again", Jerry suggested.
"I'll think about it", I said. "On another note, I just received a mail from some friends of Claire and they are throwing her a surprise party."
"Interesting. Are you going?", Eddie asked.
"I don't know, it's next weekend", I answered.

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