Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The DJ stopped spinning and everyone was looking at them.
"Robert! Stop this!", her mom yelled.
"No, I won't stop! I want him to make a choice!"
"Please, don't do this. It's my daugthers birthday!", her mom cried.
The other woman didn't care. I guess she was the secretary he had been sleeping with.
"Robert! Tell her you want a devorce! That's what you said last week!"
You could hear people whisper, the place was buzzing. It was so embarressing. I felt very sorry for Claire and her mom. Although I was kind of upset with Claire, no one deserved this on their birthday.
"What? Is this true Robert?!"
"All of you shut up!", he slurred and shoved down another drink.
I eyed Max, I could see he felt awkward too.
"Maybe we should leave", he whispered.
"Yeah, I think so too", I said. "Shouldn't we say goodbye to Claire?"
"I don't think that's a good idea. You should call her tomorrow", he said.
We got up, he took my hand and lead me inside the house.
While we walked away I saw Claire crying, her friends at her side. I felt really sorry for her, but I was glad she had some people around her, to comfort her.
Max had called a cab and we walked out of the house. We could hear them all yell while we walked down the front of the house. The gates opened and we stepped out.
"I feel so bad for Claire", I said.
"I know sweety, but there is nothing we can do now", he answered.
He put his arm around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head.
Our cab arrived and we got in.
"Do you want to go home?", he asked.
After tonight I didn't want to get home. I wanted to feel his arms around me, while falling asleep.
"Yes", I eventually answered.
He instructed the driver to go to my address and we drove off.
The whole ride we were silent. I let my head rest against his chest. Listening to his heartbeat. His hand was softly stroking my arm.
Halfway I made up my mind.
"Actually, can we go to your place?"
I looked up for him to answer.
"Of course", he said.
He instructed the driver to go to his address.
While walking on the gravel I kicked off my shoes. Damn, my feet hurt!
Not that this was more comforting, but these heels were killing me.
He opened up the door for me to enter.
"You have such a beautiful home", I said looking around.

The last time I was here, I didn't really noticed the surroundings. I was anxious to get away as fast as possible.
"Thank you", he said.
"You can put your shoes here", he said. He opened a closet which contained some coats, hats and boots.
"Here, let me take them", he said. "Do you want something do drink?"
"Sure", I answered.
"Make your self comfortable", he said. "I'll go grab us a couple of drinks."
I strolled to his living room. His home was huge, that was one thing I did remember.
His living room was beautiful and cosy. I wondered if his ex wife had decorated the place. There was a fireplace on one side of the room, a white one, very modern. Soft blankets and a lot of pillows were placed around them.

On the other side where two big couches and two big love seats.
A grand piano was placed near the big window. I always wanted to learn to play the piano, but my parents never let me.
He came back in and saw me looking at the piano.
"Do you play?", he asked.
"Unfortunatly not", I said. "Do you?"
He shrugged; "A little."
"Can you play something for me?", I asked with a grin.
"Another time maybe", he said shyly.
"Are we getting shy now, Mr. Woods?", I chuckled.
He laughed.
"Not shy, just not in the mood right now. Where do you want to sit?"
"The couch is just fine."
Max leaned back, making himself comfortable.
I curled up against him, he put his arm around me, taking small sips of his whiskey.
"You know", he started while twirling his glass, "you never said why you were upset."
"What do you mean?", I played dumb.
"You know what I mean, Mira."
"It's nothing, okay?"
"Yeah, you already said that", he said. His eyes found mine and he tilted his head to the side a little.
"I'm not buying that."
I heaved a big sigh before I started talking.
"It's just... You and Claire. You guys looked perfect together and then Claire's dad said some things..."
He frowned his eyebrows, looking all confused.
"What do you mean? I'm not interested in her anymore", he said.

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