Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

The water turned light blue as I stirred my pencil in it. I left it there and wiped my hands with an old towel.
I pushed my chair back to take another look at the painting.
I tilted my head and saw a few spots that could use some more shadow.
Just as I wanted to grab another brush my doorbell rang.
A little distracted I walked up to my door.
"Who is it?", I asked.
I unhooked the chain and opened the door.
"Hello honey", he said with a funny look.
"Hi there", I said.
"Are you redoing your house?", he asked.
I looked down at my clothes and started laughing.

"No, no hahaha. Come in", I said.
He stepped in and put his coat in the small closet in my hall.
"I was painting", I said walking towards my canvas.
He walked into my living room and stopped as he saw the painting.
"Wow. Mira", he gasped.
"This is beautiful", he exclaimed.
He had his hands in his side pockets.
"There needs some shadow there and I don't really like how this turned out", I said as I pointed out the flaws I saw.
"You are way to critical for yourself baby."
"Well, it's not done yet", I said.
He smiled and kissed my forehead.
"What are you actually doing here?", I asked.
"I missed you-", he started.
"Aaawww", I interrupted him.
"And I wanted to ask you if you were able to come with me", he asked.
"What? You mean now?"

"Yes, now", he laughed.
"But you know my mom is still in the hospital right?", I said.
"I know honey, but I think it would be good for you if you would spend some time away from your family."
He pulled back a chair at my dining table and sat down.
"What do you mean?", I asked folding my arms.

"Come here", he said waving his arm.
Reluctantly I walked over to him. He pulled back another chair and I sat down across from him.
"Don't get me wrong, I think it's good that you want to be there for your mother, but I'm afraid she will only hurt you more and more."

I looked down, knowing he was right.

He grabbed my chin with his thumb and forfinger and lifted my head up.
His blue eyes looked into my dark brown and penetrated me deeply.
"I don't like to see you hurt sweetheart. You are way to beautiful and sweet to be crying."
When he spoke those words tears welled up in my eyes. I tried to swallow them away, closing my eyes but I knew I failed.

A single tear ran down my face, which was caught by his thumb that wiped it away.
Awkwardly a halfsmile appeared on my face and I felt really uncomfortable.
"Do you want something to drink? Coffee or tea?", I asked.
He revealed his beautiful smile to me, parted his lips and let his deep voice cast a spell on me.
"Just come with me, my Mira."
My heart skipped a beat when he said 'my Mira'. To be his; how would that be?
How could I resist this man? He was practically impossible to resist.
"I have to change my clothes though", I said teasing him.
"I knew you would come!", he exclaimed.
His eyes were full of sparkles when he smiled and bent over to press his soft, but firm lips on mine.
This was exactly what I needed. Although painting works really relaxing to me, it felt as if s single kiss from Max could solve everything.
I could use some distraction from the whole situation with my parents.
After we broke apart from this very satisfying kiss I went to my bedroom to change my clothes and put some make-up on my face.
"I think I'm ready to go", I said to him.
He turned around to face me and smiled.
"Let's go!", he said and we walked towards the door.
As the gentleman he is, he opend it for me and waited for me to pass him by.
I locked it and we walked to his car.
"Where are we going?", I asked putting on my seatbelt.
"We're going to my house", he said.
I frowned my eyebrows.
He laughed and said; "Trust me."
"Okay, I will", I said a little hesitating.
He drove to his place and got there a few minutes later. It was still a bit weird for me to come to this neighbourhood. I wasn't used to be in fancy places like this. I always felt out of place here.
We got to his place and he drove his car into his garage. This was actually the first time I ever saw it from the inside.
It was very big and two of his other cars were there too. He would usally drive his Volvo. He didn't really like to stand out.
"Max, come on just tell me what we are going to do", I pleaded.
"I prepared something for us", he said mysteriously as we walked into his home.
"Let me take your coat."
"If you like, you can go to the living room, I have drinks there. I'll be with you in a minute."
He tried to look neutral, but his pokerface wasn't that good.
"Max... What are you up too?", I asked suspicious.
"Nothing. Just go", he said with a smirk.
I strolled to the living room and saw two glasses of wine.
I shrugged and sat down, waiting for whatever he was doing now.
It seemed like forever before he came back.
"You didn't taste the wine yet?"
"I wanted to wait for you", I answered.
"Come, I need to show you something", he said as he grabbed my hand.
"Where are we going? What about the wine?", I asked confused.
"The wine will come later", he said and dragged me along.
We got to the main hall and I wondered if we'd go away again, but he walked to the left and stopped in front of a door behind the stairs.
"I want you to close your eyes and only open them when I say you can, okay?", he said looking at me.
He held both my hands and had this mysterious look on his face again.
I closed my eyes and I heard him open the door. It was dark first, but then the lights went on. It was bright at first but then they dimmed.
"Carefully, we need to walk down some stairs", he said.
Slowly he guided me down stairs.
"Okay, you can open your eyes now", he said.
I opened them and my jaw dropped.
There were candles and tealights everywhere. A path of rose petals lead to a beautiful dining table which had a big vase on it with I think more than fourty red roses in them.
He pushed something on a remote and a fireplace got on and slow R&B music started playing.
"You did all this for me?", I asked and put my hands in front of my mouth.
He smiled and kissed my forehead.
"Yes I did. I wanted you to feel loved. I wanted you to know how much I care for you, how special you are for me, Mira."
His voice was soft and sensual as he spoke those words. I looked up at him and stood on my tiptoes to kiss him. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Our kiss was intens, passionately. I couldn't get enough of him. His smell crawling into my system, his tongue causing my whole body to tingle, his hands supporting my behind, I wanted to stay like this forever.
He really knew how to make me feel special.
As we finally stopped to catch our breath, he carefully put me down.
"Whoah", I breathed.
He just let out a growl, which made my insides tingle.
"I guess you haven't seen that yet", he said and pointed to the wall behind me.
I turned around and as I saw what he meant my eyes nearly felt out of their sockets.
"Is that, what I think it is?", I exclaimed.
"If you like, after our dinner we could catch a movie."
A big smirk appeared on his face.
"We can cuddle up there, I have blankets and lots of pillows."
"Max, you are amazing!"
"You're welcome doll. Do you want to grab a bite now?"
"Yes! Yes I do!"
We sat down at the table, which was so very beautifully made. I could see he spend some time to prepare all this.
The door of the basement opened and a cook came walking down with two plates and a bottle of wine.
I couldn't believe he arranged all this.
The cook placed the plates in front of us and professionaly poured some wine in our glasses. The he walked away again.
"To you, my sweet, beautiful Mira", he raised his glass.
I smiled shyly and raised my glass as well.
"To the sweetest man I know."
His eyes glistened beautifully in the candlelight, sparkles that caused butterflies in my stomach. The way he looked at me, admiring me made me all nervous. Although this wasn't the first time he looked at me that way, everytime that happened I would melt away.
If he'd let me I could stare at his eyes all day, they were like an ocean I could get lost in.


A/N: First of all, this chapter is dedicated to Odille75. Thank you for supporting this story honey!! You should all check out her amazing book 'Glitterdust'.

I'm sorry this update took me so long and it's kind of short. Still I hope you enjoyed it and please don't be afraid to comment and or like this!

Thank you all so much for reading this book and getting me to 26.7K!!! Im in awe!!

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