Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Jerry looked at his watch. "Babe, Mira is late", he said.
"I'm sure she will be right there."
"She's almost never late", Jerry stated.
"You worry too much."
Jerry gave him a look and snorted. "Oh honey, don't even get me started."
"It is weird that she didn't respond to our texts."
Jerry rolled his eyes and made a dramatic gesture with his hand.
"Well, I have to admit it's a bit weird."
"You are always like this. Accusing me of being too concerned, but in the meantime you give off two different vibes."
Eddie laughed, he knew his man was right, he just couldn't help himself.
"I'll try and call her again", Jerry said standing up. "Huh."
Jerry looked at his phone. "I'll try again."
"What?", the urge in Eddies voice was noticeable and he stood up too.
Jerry took the phone from his ear and looked at it.
"Voicemail it didn't even ring once."
Eddie frowned while Jerry put his phone in his pocket.
"Okay, that ís weird."
They both started pacing back and forth. "Maybe we should drive by her house to see if she is there."
"I don't know...", Eddie said.
"Like she would mind if we came by."
"Of course not. You know, maybe she is back with Max and they are having crazy making up sex all the time", Jerry suggested.
Eddie laughed.
"It could be, but she could have at least let us know."
"Baby, please. Like that's something anyone would think about!", Jerry rolled his eyes and kept pacing.
Eddie sat down, his elbows leaning on his knees, his index fingers placed against his lips while his thumbs supported his chin.
"Why are you sitting down again?", Jerry said, sounding very agitated.
"I don't know. I'm trying to figure out if I should be concerned or that I'm overreacting."
Jerry kept pacing back and forth while holding his phone in his hand, waiting for it to ring.
"Maybe there is something up with her mother? Or her father is being an absolute ass again? Who knows?", Eddie thought out loud.
"You know what?', Jerry said while grabbing his coat. "I can't just wait around here. I have to do something. So, are you coming or not?!"
Eddie knew his man was not playing around and got up.
"Do you have a plan?", he asked as he put his coat on.
"No, but we'll figure it out as we go", Jerry said opening the door.
They both rushed outside to get to their car.
Jerry started the engine and they drove off, not really knowing where to go.
"Should we go by her parents house and see if she is there?", Eddie said looking out the window.
Jerry stayed quiet, not knowing what to do. "Try her phone again", he said.
Eddie did as he said, but again it went straight to voicemail.
The drove around town a bit, but there was no sign of Mira.
"Okay, let's do it, let's go see if she is with her parents", Eddie eventually said. "I mean, we have to start somewhere."

"Wait, let me go here, we're near her job. Maybe she's there."
Eddie looked at him quirky.
"What? It could be. Look, we have to rule out everything."
They drove by her job, but all the lights were off. There was no one in the whole building.
In a faster pace they drove towards the house of Mira's parents.
"Now that we're here, I don't know if this was such a good idea actually", Eddie spoke softly.
"Yeah, me neither. But we have to do something."
"Her car is not here", Eddie stated as he looked out of his window.
"Should know go knock on their door and.. ask?", Jerry's voice sounded hesitating.
Then it went silent for a little while.
Jerry's hands held tight to the steering wheel, as if he didn't want to let go. His face was facing forward, staring at the house. Eddie did the same, only his hands were holding on tight to his phone.
"What if we are just way to dramatic and she is perfectly fine? I mean, if we go knock on that door, with her parents not knowing what's going on, we might make them worry for nothing. I mean, they already have enough on their minds as it is...", Eddies voice faded away in the darkness.
Jerry heaved a sigh. He let his head rest on the wheel in between his hands.
"No, we can go ask if she is home, without alerting them. Let me handle this." Jerry tried to sound confident, but there was a hint of doubt in his voice. Slightly, but it was there.
"Okay, let's do this."
They emerged from the warmth in the car, out into the dark cold night. As if they had led in their shoes, they walked up to the front door.
Jerry knocked on the door a few times. Not long after, the door opened and with some caution Mira's dad's face appeared.
"Good evening sir, sorry to bother you this evening. But we are looking for Mira. Is she home?", Jerry softly asked.
Eddie blew his warm breath into his cold hands, he wished he had put on his leather gloves now that he was outside.
Mira's dad looked at both Jerry and Eddie with suspicion in his eyes. You could just hear him think 'who are you guys?'.
"I'm sorry but who are you?", he asked.
"Oh, I'm sorry sir. I forgot my manners. I am Jerry and this is Eddie, we are friends of Mira."
"Yes, I think she has talked about you. But Mira isn't here. I'm sorry", he said. Before he closed the door he wished them a nice evening.
Without saying anything they walked back to their car.
"I'm sorry", a voice said. They both turned around to see who was talking to them. "I saw you at the Prashad's."
"I'm sorry but who are you?", Eddie asked.
"I am their neighbor, miss Miller. I help out at the house sometimes with Ms. Prashad."
Eddie nor Jerry knew what to say or do. The whole situation felt a little weird.
"I overheard you ask about Mira", she said. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, it's just, she has a special place in my heart", her gentle voice spoke.
The men exchanged looks, not really knowing how to feel about this.
"We are wondering where she is", Jerry eventually said. Eddie immediately gave him a look, which Jerry answered with a lip synced 'what?'.
"I know she was just here yesterday evening, because she visited her mom and when she left I talked to her for a little bit."
The guys exchanged looks again.
"Okay, do you maybe know where she was headed?", Jerry asked.
Ms. Miller shook her head "I'm sorry."
"No, it's okay."
"Have you tried her cellphone?", she said.
"We have, but it's off", Eddie answered. "Well, thank you anyway. Have a good night Ms."
They walked up to their car opening their doors and got in. Jerry started the engine and was ready to drive off.
Ms. Miller walked up to them and tapped the window. Jerry pulled it down, but not too far because of the cold.
"She did mention she had to go because she had an appointment with someone."
"Did she say a name?", Eddie asked hopeful.
She shook her head.
"Okay, well thanks anyway Miss!"
Jerry quickly pulled up the window and as they drove off they started to talk.
"Do you think we should call Max?", Eddie wondered out loud.
"Hmmm, I don't know. What if she had a date or something with someone?"
Eddie frowned "don't you think she would have told us?"
"Yeah, maybe you're right."
"Of course she would!", Eddie exclaimed. "There is not one bit that girl wouldn't share with us and you know it."
"Right, right.."
"I think we should call him. I mean he's the only one of who I think will know where she is", Eddie said.
Jerry shrugged. "It's worth a shot I guess."
"Wait we can't just stay here, that's weird."
Jerry looked at Eddie frowning and not understanding what he meant.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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