Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

It was Saturday and I was on my way to my parents' home.
I turned my engine off and let my hands rest on my steering wheel. Before I left my car I heaved a big sigh.
I strolled to the wooden front door and rang the doorbell.
A few minutes later my dad opened the door, greeting me with a smile.
"Hi sweetie, come in", he said making way for me.
I walked in and gave him a peck on his cheek.
"Hi dad."
My mother's head appeared from around the corner of the kitchen. She had her checkered apron on, her hands dirty from flower and spices.
"So you're finally here", she said walking back into the kitchen again.
I rolled my eyes and put my jacket on the hallstand.
"Hi mom", I got into the kitchen and kissed my mom's cheek.
"Why are you so late?", she asked wiping her hands to her apron.
"Because I just came home yesterday. I had to do my laundry and I was very tired so I slept in", told her while sticking my head into the fridge.
I pulled out a bottle of coke and grabbed a glass.
"Go say hi to your brother", my mom said and I did as she wished.
He was in the living room, drinking beer with our dad.
"Sis! What's up?", he said bouncing up from the couch.
"He Julian."
After our hug I took a seat in my favorite chair. I always loved sitting in it. My brother and dad continued with their conversation while I stared out of the window. Thinking about the days when I was younger, when I spend so much hours in this chair. It was seated near the window, close to the heater, which was perfect in the winter. I read a lot of books in this chair with the weak winter sun shining softly through our window.

I pulled my knees up to my chest, like I did back in the days and placed my glass on the window sill. I knew my mom didn't like me putting my glass there, but I still did it.
I was so caught up in my own thought I didn't realize my phone buzzed.
"Yo sis. You're phone buzzed", Julian said while waving his hands in front of me.
"What?", I said a bit dazed.
He and my dad laughed.
"You'll never change Mira. Still a dreamer to this day", my dad said with a smile on his face.
I stuck my tongue out to him and grabbed my phone from the center table.
There was an envelope on my screen. I unlocked my screen and read the message.
I didn't realize I was smiling while I read it.
"Ooohhh Mira who is it?", Julian said in the most annoying way.
"Shut up!", I yelled at him not taking my eyes off the screen.
"Mira! Don't yell at your brother!", my mom yelled from the kitchen.
"Well do you finally have a boyfriend?", my brother asked sitting on the edge of his seat.
I typed a message back and put my phone down. My eyes looked in his direction and I formed a sarcastic smile on my face.
"Not that it's any of your business; but no."
"I don't believe you", he said amusement written all over his face.
"If you have to know, this was a friend she asked if I wanted to go out tonight."
Then my dad and my brother both started laughing.
My mood didn't get any better at this point.
"Okay, what's so funny?"
"You have friends?", my brother spit out followed by a laugh.
If looks could kill he would be dead by now.
"And you're going out?", he laughed so hard, he could barely speak.
"Fuck you!"
"Now, now kids. This is enough", my dad said and got up.
My brother was still laughing, I looked away, my eyes observing the clouds passing outside.
"Mira, come help set the table. Dinner is almost ready", my mom firmly spoke from the kitchen.
With aversion I got up from my chair and slowly strolled to the kitchen. I opened up the cabinets where the plates were and grabbed four of them.

"Mira, I want you to stop using language like that", my mother spoke.
"Okay, yeah so now it's my fault", I said opening up a drawer to get utensils.
"Your brother is just playing around", she said opening up the oven.
This was why I didn't like coming here when my brother was here too. He was always the innocent one and I would always get a lecture. I was so sick of it.
After I had set the table we had dinner.
My brother told a lot of stories which I didn't even listen to. I just ate my dinner.
"So, Mira how was your business trip", my dad asked as he grabbed the salad bowl.
"It was okay I guess. Rather boring", I said and shoved some fried potatoes in my mouth.
"Who's the commissioning party?"
"Woods inc."
"Isn't that from that rich man? What's his name again?", Julian said frowning his eye brows, trying to come up with the name.
"You mean Max", I said as monotone as I could.
Julian points his finger at me and shouts; "Yes! That's him!"
"He's so handsome", my mother sighed.
My dad, Julian and I turned our heads towards her.
"Mom, oh my God!", Julian exclaimed.
Then everyone concentrated on the food again.
"He's arrogant and rude anyway", I said my eyes locked on my plate.
The room was filled with silence. I could feel everyone stare at me.
Putting my head up, I saw my feeling was right.
I lifted my eyebrows, wondering why they stared at me.
"You met him?", Julian asked surprised.
"I had dinner with him too."
Their eyes almost fell out of their sockets.
"What do you mean?", my mother asked.
I told them about the meetings, the dinner and the visiting of the property.
"But he's an arrogant prick. So I hope I don't have to see him anymore", I closed off my story.
"I read he's a real womanizer too", my dad said.

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