Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Nurses were walking in to check on my mother. I had no idea what they were doing but I didn't care. All I wanted was for her to wake up.
My dad and Julian still weren't back so I decided to call them while the nurses were busy.
"Hey Jul, where are you guys?", I asked.
"We were hungry so we're grabbing some lunch and then headed your way", he answered.
"Okay, fine I'll meet you guys in a bit."
"Any news about mom?", he asked.
I turned around to look through the window where I saw the nurses filling in the chart at the end of her bed.
"No, the nurses are now leaving but she is not awake yet", I told him.
"Okay. Do you want us to bring you something?", he asked.
"No thanks. I'm not hungry."

I walked back to the room and took place at the chair again.
My eyes stared out of the window looking at the dark clouds. It was about to rain and the trees were about to lose their leaves as the wind was getting stronger.
A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts and I turned my head towards the door.
Max' head was peaking through the corner.
I got up and walked up to him, pushing him back to the hall.
"What are you doing here?", I whispered.
I closed the door to my mother's room and folded my arms.
"I'm here for you", he answered. "And I brought you the clothes you asked for." He held up a bag.
I took it from him and peeked inside it.
"Okay, thank you. You may go now", I said.
"Mira please, don't do this", he said.
"Do what exactly?", I played dumb.
"I know you are pissed about me seeing Claire", he said. He pulled me away from the door.
"Max, I don't have time for this. My mom is the only thing I'm concerned about right now", I calmly spoke.
"I understand. Please let me stay with you", he said.
"No Max. Besides, my father and brother can be here any minute and I don't want them seeing us like this. I'll call you later."
"If that is what you really want..."
I just kept staring at him, waiting for him to leave.
"Your keys are in there too", he said pointing at the bag.
"Okay thank you. Bye."
"Bye Mira", he said and quickly placed a kiss on my forehead.
I didn't even watch him walk away, I went straight to my mom.

A few seconds later my dad and Julian walked in.
"If you want you can grab some lunch now", my dad said.
"It's okay, I'm not hungry. I'm just gonna change my clothes", I said.
"We saw Mr. Woods leaving the hospital", Julian said.
Damn it! I was so hoping they wouldn't have seen him.
"Yeah so?"
"Nothing I just said I saw him, that's all." Julian threw his hands up in defense.
"Julian, leave your sister alone", my dad interfered.
"Thank you dad", I said eyeing my brother. "I'm going to change into something more comfortable", I said.
My eyes were bloodshot from crying. I looked tired and my hair was a mess.
I threw some water in my face as if that was going to help me look better.
Again I faced myself in the mirror. How could my life go from getting better to being at the point of breaking down again?
I heaved a big sigh and grabbed the bag Max gave me. I closed my eyes and saw his eyes locking mine again. Then I remembered!
My eyes shut wide open and my breathing got a little heavier. All because I saw the lipstick smear on his collar.
I didn't had that kind of lipstick, the only person it could have been from was Claire.
"Stupid!", cursed out loud. "How could you even forget you saw that", I said while looking at my own reflection.
As I changed my dress into my sweatpants I told myself that I would deal with Max later. First things first; and that was for my mom to wake up.

Many hours had passed before we finally got some good news.
My mom finally woke up, but she was still very weak. She was doing okay for now. The doctors told us that as soon as she was stable enough she would go to the psychiatric ward. This was standard procedure when they suspected suicide.
"I don't want to go. I want to stay here, with mom", I said.
"Mira, let us take you home. Mom needs to rest. You heard the doctors", Julian said trying to convince me.
My arms were crossed in front of me and I wasn't planning on leaving.
"Mira, sweetheart", my father started while putting his arm around me, "let's go. We can't do anything now. She is in good hands."
I heaved a big sigh and watched my mother. She looked so peacefully as she slept, but I knew that was just a lie. There was so much going on in her head that was far from peaceful.
Eventually my dad persuade me to come with them and I left my mom at the hospital.
"You know what dad, could you please drop me off at Bellewood Drive", I said breaking the silence.
My dad's eyes found mine through the driving mirror and he frowned his eyebrows.
"I'm going to a friend", I answered his questionable look.
"You don't need to tell me where you are going, Mira. You are a grown woman now", he said.
Silence filled the empty seat again and it stayed that way until they dropped me off.

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