24. I still love him, as much as I did the day I left him

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Lewis's POV

WARNING: This chapter contains @buse which is a touchy subject, please proceed reading with caution.

"You are going to church with us this Sunday, it's not a choice" Jackie my mother says whilst throwing some of my stuff into bin bags that she doesn't think is acceptable for a man to have.

"They aren't yours to go near, if you continue to put my stuff into that bag to throw away, I will go into your room and do the same to your stuff" I say fed up of her going near my personal stuff and barging into my room.

"Do not speak to your mother like that, I raised you, the least you could do is have a bit of respect you horrible ungrateful boy" she seethes, her voice filled with aggression.

"You may be my 'mother' but I'm not showing you any ounce of respect until you show me some back"

Her hand meets the side of my face taking me slightly by surprise but I don't show any signs of it affecting me because I don't want her to get the satisfaction of knowing I'm hurt by her words and actions.

"Look what you have become, oh how disappointed I am to call someone like you my son. Stay out of my sight and don't leave this room" she picks up one of my picture frames and smashes it to the ground before throwing all my close she was going to throw away all over my room instead.

With one last disgusted look my way, she then storms out of my room slamming my door shut before locking it with the key she has to my room.

Sitting on the edge of my bed, I bury my face in my hands.

Don't you dare cry. Don't give her what she wants.

Taking a deep breath a bubble forms in the back of my throat.

I'm fed up.

I hate it here. Why did my aunt have to pass.

I finally thought I was happy and back on my feet, being proud of who I was and open about it.

But now it's all back to square one.

Taking my phone from my pocket to try and distract myself, I scan over my contacts.


She's a mate I met the first time I came back here, she was walking back from someone's place crying so when I was outside moving my stuff into the house I noticed her and went over to see if she was okay.

Something happened with a girl that she liked and so I offered for her to come in for something to eat.

She just told me the basics of what happened, she didn't go into much detail though, probably because we were only really acquaintances.

We continued to text tho. Mother said she would be of good use to get me away from my 'sin' of liking men.

>> Hi Avery, sorry to bother you but do you have a second to talk?

Sending the message, I let out a sigh when not long after my phone buzzes informing me I got a text back.

>> Sorry, currently going to the movies with the fam and won't have any data because I ran out of it. I'll be online in like two hours time and I'll text you right away when I am. Chat you later :)

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