32. "I won't be giving you another chance"

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Cole's POV
Just as I watch Lewis and Diego leave my sight, the door to the opposite side of them gives in and falls with a thump to the ground.

Diving to the nearest piece of furniture I start firing in the direction where the three men have just entered.

One man has already fell dead by the one shot I let off.

The other two fire back trying to move to get behind furniture to avoid the gunshots. It doesn't take much until I have the other two shot to the ground.

I sit with my back against the dressing table, keeping my head ducked as I reload my favorite Colt 1911 handgun.

I have eight rounds again now.

Moving quickly, I get up and run straight ahead towards the door Vincent entered through.

I grimace when I glance down at his lifeless body.

Walking into the room cautiously was harder than expected considering there are people running past the windows straight ahead of me.

Thankfully the room is dark due to it having to working lights and no light is entering through the windows because its late out.

Only thing stopping me from being completely blind is the one dim outside light.

Crouching down I make my way to the door which is to my left.

My plan goes to shit though when the window before me smashes to smithereens when a bullet comes into contact with it.

Ignoring the glass that is digging into my hands and knees I stay below sight of the window that was shot at.

"Wai-" A man starts yelling.

Before he can finish his sentence I  peer my head over and my handgun I don't hesitate as I quickly pull the trigger causing a bullet to sore through the air and land perfectly between the mans eyes, a small cloud of some dances at the barrel of my gun.

Unexpectedly the door I entered through to get into this current room can be heard opening.

I swiftly turn around and fire, in the dong of so I fumble the gun like an idiot and drop it to the floor.

"You fecker", the familiar voice of Venessa can be heard as she no longer tries to sneak in and instead starts charging for me with a visibly large knife held in her hand.

Attempting to snatch my gun quickly, I fail and instead to the smart thing by quickly tumbling to the side causing her to land on the floor just next to me.

Only just about missed that knife going straight through my stomach.

"She really messed you up" She snarls swinging her knife like mad at me as she pushes me further and further into a corner.

I really want to do my best not to hurt her considering she is still Diego's and Isabelle's daughter.

"You all just seem to blame it on her for no reason" I snap back and tackle her to the ground in one quick motion. She mustn't have noticed my gun and accidentally kicked it away because it is no longer near us.

I grit my teeth in pain when she slashes my bicep with the sharp blade, I grab it from her hand but she quickly shoves her feet against my chest causing me to fall back off of her as my back hits the wall.

"All of the gang rivalry started when you met her, have you not realized that"

Vanessa attempts to stab my leg but I move and her knife instead gets stuck between the wooden panels.

"That was bound to happen no matter what woman I fell for", she struggles to retrieve her weapon and I take this as my opportunity to kick her stomach causing her to fall back winded.

Snatching the knife from the ground it once was stuck in, I stand up facing it towards the winded girl.

To think we use to be childhood mates shakes me to the core. The last thing younger me would have expected current me to be doing  would have been hurting family and friends.

"stay down" I say sternly when I  see her arm move from her stomach.

Watching her closely I walk towards my gun behind her and swoop down grabbing it tightly before pointing it at the back of her head.

"You should have just made things easier Cole by joining early, you know you wont ever live in peace"

Ignoring her statement I turn my arm and shoot the light outside causing darkness to consume us, I put the barrel of the gun to  the back of her head so she can feel it.

"Where is Ashley?"

She tenses up and the confidence act she was putting on is no longer playing.

"I don't know the two men walked off" she says her voice wavering ever so slightly nut just enough for me to notice.

"You have ten seconds to tell me"

She stays silent.

I wait just hoping she doesn't pull any tricks in the dark that I can't see.

"Five" I say pushing the gun against her head more.

"They dragged her out through the door behind you and then the door to the left then the left door again after that I genuinely don't know" she blurts out.

"Leave. Go home or something. I can promise you one thing though, if I see you around here after I leave this room I won't be giving you another chance to run away" Taking the walkie talkie from her pocket I hold it in-front of her

"Now tell everyone you saw me fleeing the building by foot off down the road to the right of the building"

When she stays silent I assume she nodded her head and I just couldn't see it. I hold down the button and nudge her back with my knee.

"Just spotted Cole fleeing by foot to the right of the building at the front, make sure he doesn't get away and hide" Vanessa says sternly down the walkie talkie.

I let go of the button and listen as some people reply back saying 'understood' and other responses to her false sighting.

"now get up and go"

Without hesitation Vanessa gets up and carefully leaves through the smashed window.

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