6. Feelings

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"Come in" I answer when a knock comes from my door.

The door opens and Cole walks in, his eyes land to me as I lay with my back against the headboard listening to music, this better be good because I had to pause my music for him.

"Listen I didn't mean to upset you in school today, and I apologies for that, but genuinely I didn't get anyone to take that picture"

Not really caring anymore I nod, "okay, sorry for accusing you but get the picture down, I'm already in enough trouble with the school for the whole punch thing but when they see the picture I'm in even more shit"

"Sure" he says knowing that he can easily get ahold of whoever posted the picture.

"Fine now leave me be" I miss and shoo him away closing my eyes


"Did he apologise?" Alex asks as him, Andrew, Jasons and Max all start kicking the ball around.

"I think so, he doesn't seem to be the apologetic type" I chuckle trying to keep the ball away from Andrew.

Jason kicks the ball completely off and it flies past my head, I turn and watch frozen as it drives straight into the back of Avery a new girl in our class, she falls face first into the grass as her friends look shocked in our direction not even bothering to help their friend up.

"So, who is going to go over and apologise and get the ball?" I ask turning around, all of them were pointing to me as we all try our best not to laugh at what had just happened.

We all really should not be laughing but if you put us in any situation where someone gets hurt we all die of laughter. We can't help it...

"Why is it always me" I groan turning back around and jogging to the girls.

Once I make it to them I notice that Hannah is sitting on the grass holding her nose as she holds a pained expression.

Great, thanks Alex, I don't have a fucking clue what to do when someone is upset.

"Eh, sorry I didn't mean that" I mumble kneeling in-front of her.

"Are you hurt badly?"

She moves her hand and I flinch when I see the blood pouring from her nose.

"Oi, get over here you dimwits and bring my bag" I turn around and slight raise my voice to the others who are trying to act as if they aren't noticing what Alex did.

Max picks up my bag as they all jog to us.

I take my bag from Max when they get to us, "pinch the soft part of your nose above your nostrils and hold this tissue under your nose to stop the blood from going all over your clothes"

I hand her a tissue as she does what I say, "Can one of yous get her an ice pack?, wrap a bit of tissue around it" I ask her mates Sara and Jenna, Sara nods and goes off towards the school, "lean forward and breath through your mouth"

I take out a bottle of water from my bag and get a clean tissue, I pour the water onto the tissue and clean up the blood that is on her cheeks and chin for the time being.

"Keep still for another few minutes Sara will be back with the ice pack, is it broken?"

She shakes her head "I don't think so", I gently move her hand from under her nose and inspect the injury, "nothing broken"

I hand her a new clean tissue, we all stay there for a few minutes making small talk as we wait for Sara.

"Here you go" Sara hands me what I need, I take the ice pack from her outstretched hand "thank you"

"Here place that to your nose and we will all go to the bleachers and sit down for a few"

She nods talking the ice pack from me, I stand up and hold my hand out to help her up, she places her hand in mine and I help her up to her feet.

The bleachers were only a few feet away so it took only a minute to get to them, Hannah and her friends all sit down with one other, Hannah sitting there with the ice pack, she threw the tissues into the trash as we walked by them, her two mates whisper as they check out the lads in my friend group of dopes, the boys and I look to Hannah, "do you need anything before we go off?" I ask mumbling.

"I'm alright now I think, thanks for your help" Hannah smiles at me great full for my help, I shrug slightly "No worries, sorry for you know, kicking the ball at you", I turn to Alex with a scowl causing him to smile sheepishly at me for taking the blame.

"It's no worries, see you around school?" She asks taking me by surprise for some reason, she has a soft genuine smile on her face and I just nod slowly not knowing what to do honestly, "sure? See you around" I mumble before turning on my heels and walking down the bleachers.

"She totally has a liking to you" Max laughs as Andrew throws an arm over my shoulders pulling me into his side.

"She just said she would see me around school" I roll my eyes.

"did you not see the way she looked at you? She was totally digging what she saw" Jason wiggles his eyebrows jokingly.

All the guys nod their heads agreeing with him, I just stay silent, not saying anything, she was just being nice the guys overlook stuff sometimes.


Ok soooo I kind of took a break from writing this book because I started a new one, I don't know if I am going to keep writing it, what do yall think? Do you want me to keep writing this book?

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