29. Elijah Is Missing

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>>Before this chapter begins I just
want to say thank you all for being so patient, I took a bit of a break from this book because firstly I had no more motivation to write decent enough chapters to publish and I felt like the story was no longer enjoyable/ going the way I wanted it to.

>>Anyways I hope you all enjoy this chapter and that it makes up for the wait


Sam's POV
The roaring gush of wind causes me to stumble ever so slightly sideways on the stony pavement.

The sky is covered with dark grey clouds signalling that the weather isn't going to be the best.

Fumbling the keys around in my hand, once I find the one with the blue tag that says 'Shed Door', I insert the key and turn it so the lock clicks open, allowing me to finally enter the half warm shed.

Flicking the hall light switch I kick the door closed behind me with my ankle.

"Want a beer?" Erik asks with a raised voice noticing my presence from the back of the room.

"Yep" I call back walking over to them.
Ben sits on one of the cheap leather couch's with his feet up on the small coffee table.

The smell of smoke and liquor is over powering.

Sitting down on the other couch, Erik enters the room and chucks me a beer can which I only just about catch.

He takes a seat next to Ben, their eyes glued to the television which is showing women playing beach volleyball in bikinis.

"So, any new news with what's going on between your father and Cole?"

My hand tightens around my beer can as I glare at Ben who asked the question.

"The fight isn't between him and my Dad, it's between him and me" I snarl putting an emphasis on "Me".

People need to learn I can fight my own battles without my Dad.

The two of them chuckle, "yeh yeh" Ben mumbles amused finishing off another can before chucking it towards the over flowing small bin.

It lands on the floor next to many other cans which did not exceed getting into the small bin.

"Why do you even feel the need to go against Cole? He hasn't even done anything to you"
Erik's words catch me off guard.

Placing my beer on the floor, I look to him.

"What hasn't he done?"

He raises an eyebrow as he tares his eyes away from the television and meets my glare instead.

"He took the one thing I have always dreamed about. The one job in which was suppose to be handed down to me. My Dad worships him, like he is some fucking god. I can do everything twice as good as Cole so I don't understand why it's always him. I'm fed up of living behind his shadow, known as the weaker brother of the two. So I'm finally going to prove my worthiness of becoming the next gang leader"


I pounce up and stride to their couch, grabbing Erik by the collar of his dirty blue shirt.

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