37. It only gonna get worse from ere

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Ashley's POV
He lays on top of me, his arms which are prepped either side of me taking some of his weight off of me.

Our heavy breaths being the only thing we can hear as our chests rise and fall harshly together.

"Fucking hell Ash" he groans in his husky voice before moving off of me and laying next to me instead.

"I want to go swimming" I say breathlessly moving so I'm resting on one arm facing him from his side.

His arm is draped over his forehead as he looks at me with dazed eyes.

Making my legs somehow nearly go even more weak than what they already are.

"Seriously?" He asks.

When I go to sit up, pain shoots up my legs and I slowly lie back onto my side the way I was before, "never mind, maybe in a bit"

Sighing contently I lay back down, using Cole's chest as a pillow as he snakes his arm over my bare waist.

We fall into a comfortable silence again, the heat from Cole's body is making the steam room feel like a cold room.

"You're so fucking beautiful" Cole says breaking the silence as his thumb caresses my hip in a soothing way.

Moving my head so I can look up at him, he lays there with his eyes shut, his features all softened not in their usual tensed way.

"You're so fucking beautiful as well", he opens his eyes to look back at me, an amused grin on his face "did you just say I'm beautiful?"

"Yup, I did indeed. Men can be beautiful too you know" I roll my eyes, he chuckles, his chest vibrating beneath my head.

"You are something else Collins"

"I like when you call me that, makes me think back to when you use to be so cold towards me since I didn't want anything to do with you"

He scoffs "you always had a thing for me, just were too stubborn to admit it"

"Actually at one point I would have preferred getting hit by a car than being left with you for longer than twenty minutes"

"Then you realised all of it was pelt up sexual tension between us and you would do anything for those twenty minutes alone with me" he whispers suggestively into my ear earning an elbow in the side from me.

He wraps his arm even tighter around me causing me to squirm beside him to move, "Cole" I groan in annoyance.

"Ashley" he mimics my groan.

How can he sound so hot after we both just lost our voices and breaths for a good ten minutes.

"Whats on your mind, your cheeks are all red looking" he mumbles finally loosening his arm from around me.

"Just got a hot flush, that's all"

"Sureeeee" he drawls out sitting up causing me to have to sit up as well.

"Not yet" I mumble trying to push him back down so I don't have to get up yet.

"Jesus Ash, we just recovered from round one and you already want a round two" he chuckles his dimples on proud display which is a common thing when he's with me now.

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