34. Someone had to break the news, and sadly that someone is me

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Before this Chapter starts, I want to say a HUGE thanks for your patience I know I'm very slow with updates :'D and also thank you all SOOO MUCH for 1k stars!!!! I really appreciate it and can't thank yous enough

Hope yous enjoy this chapter! <33

Andrew's POV
We all sit in silence, waiting for someone to give us the go ahead into the room.

The door swings open causing all five of us to jump up from our seats and glare at the person who walks out which so happens to be Cole.

I can't help but feel a wave of anger wash over me when his blank eyes lock with mine.

"What the fuck Cole" I snarl walking up to him, he stays standing rigid as I get closer to him.

"You couldn't have put Ashley's life any more at risk, out of all things you let her go to a fucking gang meet up? Are you mad?"

My voice is louder than intended but I can't seem to lower it as I stand right in front of him, eye to eye as he stays silent.

"Andrew come on, let's see Ashley" Jason says as he pats a hand on my shoulder and sends a glare Cole's way.

"Maybe next time when you are running around trying to get yourself killed, leave Ashley out of it"

Once again he says nothing so walking by him I purposely bump my arm off of his and walk through the doors into the room, the others following after me.

Seeing Ashley sitting there on the side of the bed takes a huge weight off of my shoulder.

"Hey" she says softly in greeting towards us all.

Stepping over to her, I waste no time and engulf her in a hug.

"Just be careful of the leg Andrew" she warns me, weakly hugging me back.

"Thank god you are in one piece" Alex says as he ushers me to get out of the way before just shoving me and nearly throwing himself on top of Ashley.

The others all group hug her, being weary of hitting her leg.

"You all have to stay the night here, I'm not letting yous drive home this late and dark out" she says already back to her usual self.

"Our lovely caring Ashley is back" Max coos kissing her cheek jokingly.

"I missed you too Max" she laughs as we all step back to give her some space after we bombarded her:

"What happened to your leg?" Jason asks pointing to her bandaged up thigh which is showing due to her having shorts on.

"Someone put a bullet through it, could have been worse, I got lucky to be fair"

Cole comes back to mind, debating whether to ask the question or not I finally just say why not considering I want to know the answer so bad.

"Why would Cole bring you knowing it isn't safe?"

Ashley looks to me, she can sense I'm not happy, she shakes her head "it isn't Cole's fault Andrew, if that is what you are implying"

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