12. "you are a friend I guess"

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After the whole school incident, you know... the kiss, that happened two nights ago, Cole and I have been stuck in this awkward avoid each other phase for some reason.

"Just go talk to him" Andrew sighs. Andrew, Max, Alex, Jason and Hannah are all staying the night. All of us are sitting on the ground eating sugary stuff and drinking some alcoholic beverages whilst playing uno.

Jason has shots of water beside him instead, that guy can always has fun even when sober.

I know. Very mature game if I do say so myself.

"Not if I had a gun put to my head, would I go and willingly speak to Cole about it" I chuckle placing a pick up four card, Andrew scowls at me and aggressively takes four cards from the pile before downing four shots, for every card you have to pick up you have to take a shot.

"Do you like him?" Max asks with a slight smirk, I send him a dead pan look, "nope. Just because we kissed a few times and had our 'sexual tension' moments, as you guys would call them, does not mean anything is happening, nor going to happen between Cole and I"

They all pass each other a look before look before looking down at their cards they have.

So maybe I do sometimes feel all weird around Cole, but that's only because he has dashing features that any girl feels weird around and no one can deny.

How could I like a guy who's ego is bigger than the universe, who's eyes could kill with just a cold look, makes me want to drop kick him with every flirty and cocky comment he makes, sleeps around with girls for fun, acts hot and cold every second and is a soccer freak.


I might like a guy who's ego is bigger than the universe, who's eyes could kill with just a cold look, makes me want to drop kick him with every flirty and cocky comment he makes, sleeps around with girls for fun, acts hot and cold every second and is a soccer freak.

"Ehm, Ashley it's your turn"

Shaking my head vigorously I turn my attention back to the game and push away my thoughts.

Plus four. Yay.

Searching my cards I let out a frustrated sigh realizing I have no other pluses to put down.

Taking four already poured shots, I down them one by one. The burning sensation running down my throat as I tilt my head back.

"Holy shit" I mumble placing my last empty shot glass back onto the tray.

"We are all going to be knocked out at the end of this game, some of us are already on the verge of it and we only started the game" Alex chuckles placing down a numbered card.

The door to my room gets a sudden knock causing all of us to get a slight fright, "come on in" I call out.

The door slowly opens and Cole's head peeps around it, his eyes land on me before he looks between the others, "didn't know you all were here" he chuckles, Andrew pats the spot beside him and Cole enters my room closing the door after himself.

"We only started a few minutes ago, you can join in now if you want" Jason takes out a few cards for him from the pile.

Cole sits in the spot between me and Andrew.

"The rules are simple, it is basic uno, but every time you someone drops a plus and you have to pick up a card, you take a shot" Hannah explains as Jason hands him cards to play with.

"Easy" Cole nods and the game starts up again as Andrew takes his turn.

We all go around getting rid of cards, my turn is here and I look between my three cards. Will I just drop a number or make Cole take shots...

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