13. The Reason

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I always forget the consequences of drinking, the mornings after, always remind me.

"Oh god" I mumble to myself sitting up with a pounding headache. I glance around and notice how all of my friends were already awake and no where to be seen.

Checking the time, I fix my sports bra and shorts and leave my room making my way downstairs.

"Morning sleeping beauty" Andrew laughs as I enter the kitchen to see them all sitting around the table eating... pancakes.

"good morning, where are my pancakes?" I frown looking around, when my eyes land on a plate with pancakes on it I gasp and run over to the plate grabbing it and smelling the amazing food.

"Don't forget to take Tylenol" Avery says as I start putting Nutella onto my first pancake, "oh trust me I won't, I feel like I was hit over the head repeatedly with a bat" I mumble as everyone lightly laughs.

If the whole world was made of pancakes, I would have ate it all by now.

Just as I am about to take the glorious bite of the pancake someone starts poking my back.

I slowly turn around and look down to see Ethan and Noah looking up at me with puppy eyes, "may we have some pancakes?" Ethan asks looking to the pancake in my hand.

Can I tell them no and just eat it straight up?

I could.....

But I can't.

"Sure" I say through gritted teeth with a forced smile, I hand them my plate of pancakes and they giggle running off together with MY pancakes. Key word.. MY.

"Morning", we all look over to the door to see Cole stroll in as if he didn't drink a whole twenty buckets last night.

"Morning" they say back in unison as I just look away from him and look at the table in front of me instead.

"Pancakes are there for you" Jason days pointing to what u am guessing is his plate only pancakes on the counter.

"Thanks" Cole says before taking a seat at the table, which lucky me, happens to be right beside me.

"Where is your food?" He mumbles asking me, "your two little brothers got them" I answer with a shrug feeling the awkwardness between us.

Why on earth did I ask him that question a few nights ago, if I didn't we could still be talking to each other as normal.

"Here,  I'm not hungry anyways" he pushes his plate of pancakes over to me. "It's fine I will just get toast" I try and pass him the plate back but he stops me by putting his hand on mine which is shoving the plate.

And that alone sends flames and sparks through me like something you would hear on television. "Like I said, I'm not hungry" he mumbles pulling his hand away from mine and I immediately miss the feeling it gave me.

"Thanks" I say back before getting the Nutella jar again.


"And" I place the last bauble onto the tree and clasp my hands together standing back to look at the proudly decorated tree that is meer-inches away from hitting the ceiling.

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