19. Coincidence seeing you here

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Elijah's POV
"Fine okay I will go now" I sigh as Mum mumbles on about having no milk and how I haven't left the house and should get some.

Grabbing my converse from the shoe rack, I quickly slip them on, debating whether or not to wear a jacket I decide against it because my hoodie will be enough to just about stop me from freezing to death.

Leaving the house and closing the door after myself, I immediately regret agreeing to go because it's Baltic first of all and second of all it's snowing still, as it has been for the past few days.

Stuffing my hands in my pockets to hopefully keep my fingers from falling off, I start making my way to ty closet supermarket which is around a fifteen minute walk.

Fifteen minutes.

Only fifteen minutes in minus temperatures.

My fault for not bringing the jacket I guess,

Thankfully I make it there alive, walking in through the automatic doors I nearly start crying with happiness when I'm welcomed by a warm fan above the door.

Now, where would the milk be?

Well of course in the fridge section but where abouts...

Scanning over the fridges I finally find the one thing I'm looking for, and I pick up an extra item which was a pack of quick microwaved noodles on the way to the till.

The till had no cue because it's basically empty in here, only around ten people, due to the weather I'd say.

"Hi, cold day isn't it?" The cashier greets me as I place my items on the till.

"It is" I nod and make as little eye contact as possible, feeling awkward.

"Your total is four dollars"

Routing through my pockets I nearly hit my head off the wall when I realise I forgot to get the money off of Mum.

"Eh- sorry I will come back in a bit to get them. I must have forgot my wallet"

She gives me a pity smile "alright"

Before I pick up the stuff to put them back, a voice waiting a bit behind me speaks up "I will pay for them"

"Oh no it's okay I will just come back in a bit" I answer back then turn around to the guy.

My whole structure tenses.

What the-

"Elijah? Coincidence seeing you here"

Lewis stands there. Taller than I imagined and more good looking than I would like to admit.

And I mean really good looking.

Scrambling for the words to find I say nothing and do my usual famous nod of the head.

He laughs to himself before moving over to us to hand the cashier his stuff.

I step to the side, looking down at the white tiled floor.

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