16. (Elijahs POV!) Heart Is Still Set On Him

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Elijah's POV

"You what?"

My heart drops as I give out to myself for letting my thoughts get the best of me.

The words fumble in my brain as I can't seem to repeat the sentence.

"I think I like you", I repeat it again but this time it's quieter and my voice is less confident.

I invited Alex over after the conversation with Cole, I felt like I could no longer keep my feelings for him behind closed doors, I would rather be told now that he doesn't like me back rather than in a weeks time or so when I have possibly gained even more of a liking to him.

I first found out I was gay when I started high school, there was a boy in my class, his name was Lewis. We instantly clicked and became friends with one another.

It was just the two of us getting through the first three years together with each other. The whole time in which I never once had my eyes on a girl, at this age all the boys were out wanting girlfriends and having their first kisses whilst Lewis and I were cooped up playing video games together and he influenced me to sneak out at night and everything.

One day after school I was over in Lewis's and we were having a study session for an upcoming English test, I struggle badly with my dyslexia so Lewis took it upon himself to somehow help me and get me to find it a tad bit easier.

Let's just say when we were studying one thing led to another and Lewis kissed me.

We were still pretty young and oblivious towards our feelings so it felt weird and unusual to have feelings toward the same gender at the time.

After that night we became even closer and each day at break time the two of us would sneak into the schools small old library together, it never went any further than a make out session between us, but we felt the need to hide our little relationship going on.

One day though a student walked in and caught us in our usual locked lips, word spread as quick as wildfire throughout the school.

I remember after that school day Lewis was not responding to any of my messages, calls etc and completely just ignored me.

The next day rolls by and I'm excited to see Lewis and I'm hoping he is okay.

He doesn't show up.

Same with the day after that.

And so on.

He never came back.

I moved from Ashley's school to a different one close by, not long after Lewis went missing because the bullying and slagging became too much for me at the time.

I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him still, he has a piece of my heart and no matter how much I grow and try to forget him, I will never get it back. And yet, I don't mind that.

Holding the chain around my neck I try to take him off of my mind.

Being honest Alex slightly reminds me of him and that's one of the reasons I started to take a liking to him.

"Is this some type of dare?" Alex asks breaking me from my thoughts, taking a nervous shaky breath I shake my head in response.

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