Chapter 1

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  The day continued as usual, Midoriya furiously taking notes, and the others focusing on their work. Then the bell rang for lunch, and before anyone could say anything, Kiseki was crowded by everyone. She was bombarded with questions, and just when she was about to get up out of her seat, there was a quick flash of black. When everyone looked up, it was Dark Shadow towering over Kiseki. 

    "What are you doing Tokoyami?!" The girls yelled at him as his head was down, while everyone, except for Bakugo and Todoroki, began to panic.

  But when they turned around, Kiseki was patting Dark Shadow's head who's eyes were welling up in tears. Everyone stared at Kiseki baffled. That's when Tokoyami walked to her while maintaining eye contact with her. 

    "We need to talk. I'll wait for you after school." Tokoyami said as he forced Dark Shadow to return to him.

  Kiseki replied with a nod, then Tokoyami walked out of the classroom and Shoji quickly followed after him. Then everyone turned to Kiseki, but she was nowhere to be seen. Everyone was baffled at their interaction that they were frozen where they stood. 

    "Let's go to the cafeteria." Iida said, trying to ease the tension.

  Everyone nodded in agreement as they awkwardly walked out of the classroom. They were able to ignore the awkwardness as they were having fun at lunch. Some ate their lunch without a care in the world, while others tried to not think about what happened earlier. As people walked past Midoriya's table they overheard them talking about the new student. They looked just as curious as Midoriya and the others did before they had seen Tokoyami and Kiseki's interaction. As Midoriya ate he wondered what kind of relationship Tokoyami and Kiseki had. When he looked around the cafeteria, he saw Tokoyami and Shoji eating together and talking, although Tokoyami hardly spoke. A few minutes later, the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka were the first to get to the class, but when they entered the classroom, Kiseki was already there. She was sitting at her desk reading a book.

    "Hey Kiseki! Where did you go? After you left, we didn't see you at the cafeteria. Did you eat lunch?" Uraraka asked in a friendly manner. 

  Kiseki only answered with a nod. They were interrupted when the second bell rang to start class again, so Uraraka and the others took their seats to start class again. It soon became the end of class and Tokoyami had already gathered his belongings and walked over to Kiseki who was also already prepared to leave. After Tokoyami said goodbye to Shoji, both Kiseki and Tokoyami both walked out. 

    "Deku, Iida!" Uraraka whispered, "Let's follow them!"

    "What? Why?" Iida asked with surprise.

    "I'm worried about them, I don't want them to start fighting each other." Uraraka said in concern while attempting to drag Iida and Midoriya out of the classroom.

    "I don't think they will fight each other, Tokoyami seems to know her, and we don't even know them since we hardly even talked to them." Midoriya explained as Uraraka led them out into the hallway.

    "Please Deku!" Uraraka pleaded as she stood close to Midoriya. "I just want to check on them!"  

  Midoriya became embarrassed and quickly covered his face with his arms.

    "Ok, we'll follow them..." Midoriya mumbled as his face went completely red.

    "Thanks Deku! Cmon Iida!" Uraraka grabbed Iida's and Midoriya's hands and quickly ran down the halls.

  Iida conveyed his concerns about following Kiseki and Tokoyami, but Uraraka was already focused on following them, and Midoriya was still mumbling to himself, so he was a lost cause. So Iida unconsciously followed Midoriya and Uraraka. Meanwhile, Kiseki and Tokoyami walked in silence as they walked out of the school gates. As they turned a corner, Midoriya briefly saw Kiseki take out a small notebook, which he thought was odd. They quickly ran to see where they had gone but they were nowhere to be seen. 

    "Uraraka, we really shouldn't be spying on them. It's none of our business, and its a breach of privacy." Iida said with clear concern in his voice. 

    "But what Tokoyami did earlier worried me! I'm just making sure they're alright!" Uraraka quickly countered.

    "Guys we should stay quiet, they might still be close by. They'll hear you!" Midoriya whispered to them while getting in between them.

    "I'm sure they'll be fine Uraraka, it seemed like they were having a normal conversation. Let's leave them alone, we can check on them tomorrow." Midoriya said with reassurance. 

  Uraraka hesitated to answer but agreed with him. They had said their goodbyes to each other and began heading home. After a long walk, Midoriya arrived at his apartment building. As he was walking up the stairs, he heard a door close. He assumed it was his mother coming back home from grocery shopping since his mother had asked him what he would like to eat that morning since she was going shopping. He walked into his house and began taking off his shoes.

    "Hi Izuku! How was your day?" Inko asked cheerfully.

    "Great! It was pretty normal until-" Midoriya turned to look at his mother wearing an apron and holding a spatula in one hand. "Wait, didn't you just come back from grocery shopping?" 

    "Hm? No, I left after you left for school, and came back a little later since I had most of the ingredients for dinner here." Inko said with slight confusion.

    "Oh, It's just that when I was coming up the stairs I heard a door close, and I thought it was you." Midoriya said with slight embarrassment in his voice.

    "Oh, you might have just heard the new neighbor." Inko said as she walked back to the kitchen.

    "New neighbor? I didn't know that anyone moved in." Midoriya said following his mother.

    "Well they moved in very quickly. And besides, you were never really here to see them anyway." Inko said in a lecturing tone, which caused Midoriya to flinch. "We could go greet them after dinner if you have time, I'm sure they wouldn't mind."

    "Ok, I already finished my homework during class, so I have time. How about we take some of our dinner to them as a welcome gift?" Midoriya said as he sat at the table.

    "Great idea! And I'll take some fruit too." Inko said as she cooked.

  When Inko had finished cooking they sat at the table and began eating and talking about their day. They soon finished and prepared the welcome gifts of Katsudon and a fruit bowl. They then walked to the neighboring apartment that was just a few doors down. Inko pressed the doorbell and waited for an answer. There was slight shuffling before the door opened. And Midoriya froze when he saw who had opened the door.


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