05: White Tiger

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The past few weeks have been rougher than usual, gaining multiple new wounds from several of the tests they made you do. Some of those tests were fights with actual villains- not that you knew they were- and in all those fights, none of them came out alive.

Lately they had you use your mutation quirk more, making you use your claws, your fangs as well as your wings.

Your wings were great shields, being able to harden into steel for a few minutes at a time. Each feather was detachable and somewhat controllable, capable of swooping into an opponent either to attack (stab, cut, etc) or to pin them to the wall or ground. You were yet to get them to carry anything heavy as you were still developing, and with the lack of the specific training, you didn't know how to fly.

If developed, your wings could be of great use, especially at a surprise attack against your opponents since you were capable of hiding your animalistic features and making you look more 'normal'

It was a strong transformation quirk.

However, Shigaraki didn't see that as he was amazed too much at your unknown emitter quirk, that he found your wings useless.

And that's the reason why you were sitting on a chair with your arms tightly cuffed to the metal table in front of you. Your mutations out, showing off your now fully white wings.

They use to be a brilliant (y/f/c) but had faded to white, much like your (y/h/c) hair. The stress you were under, really took a toll on you.

Whimpering, you watched as S.A.25 walked in assisted by guards, who were to keep him in place. You knew this wasn't going to be good at all- not like anything was nice there, but it just meant that being cuffed to a table and having him there meant they were probably going to experiment on you, inject all sorts of things that would cause you loads of pain. To prevent you accidentally activating your quirk, they usually brought him in to nullify your ability.

"Is this necessary?" Akane questioned Shigaraki as they walked into the room, the light blue haired male walked behind you, stopping in front of your wings, making you whimper.
A smile formed on his dry lips, looking at her then at your shaking form.

"Since she can't fly yet and she's still quite hesitant and refuses commands, I think it would only get in the way if she starts to learn how to fly," he explained with his hands slowly touching the base of your wings.

You shivered at the feeling, not liking anyone touching your wings as the smaller feathers above were a little more sensitive than the longer ones. You yelped when the thin man behind you tightened his grip at the base of your wings, pushing you down against the metal table.

S.A.25 looked down, unable to do anything for the last time he had tried to help you, he gained some stripes on his back.

You struggled underneath the man as his smile grew wider.

"You're going to listen to everything we tell you, alright?" His raspy voice was against your fluffy ear. "You're going to comply with every command without hesitation or doubt, got it?" He gripped on your wings tighter, making you tear up in pain. "You will be our little soldier, got it?"

You nodded vigorously, unsure of what else you could do.

"Good," You cried out at the pain you started to feel on your back. "You better do so if you don't want to lose another set of limbs."

Your wings involuntarily stretched out as you struggled to get his hands off of you. You hear him click his tongue as you felt like your wings were going numb, losing the feeling in them.

You cried as you felt one fall off and landed on the floor. You watch in horror as you saw it slowly turn to dust. Turning to look at the other wing, you could see it crack and small parts of it fell off. You watched as your remaining wing turned to dust right there, while still attached to you.

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