09: Names

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"Hoshiko Kageyama... Mother is..." Yamada was reading the papers again, quite sad to also find out that the girl's mother was one of his old acquaintances in his old radio station, the one before his current.

"She's 14... Birthday on Nov.13, XXXX" Yamada looked up at Aizawa as the man read the boy's file.

"He's 13... born on the 25th of December... Shohei... Shira-...Shirakumo." For some reason, just saying his name brought back a lot of memories. His mother and his uncle were in fact Aizawa's close friends and they... they're dead.

The looked over to the three of you, all still sleeping on the couch with the cats happily snuggling against them.

You gave a small groan, shifting away from the weight that the boy was slowly placing as he started to lean on you.

Your eyes fluttered open, rubbing them as you looked over to the two adults who waved over to you.

"Good afternoon, little listener." Yamada chuckled, cheeks red due to him holding back the urge to hug you tightly and pinch your cheeks.

The two other kids started to shift awake as well and the two adults decided that they'd have to tell the two about... who they really are.


"Wait... this... this is me?" Shohei looked more confused and had to take time to actually understand while the girl seemed to have understood quite quickly, but it didnt mean she was happy.

"Hoshiko..." it was a first to see her not so energetic. "I... I left that name behind... when she- my mom-... died."

Sad and quite... interesting to hear her say that.

"She died of a simple cold... but we were too poor to even get it checked or get the right medicine because my-... that man... used up all our money in gambling." Her brows were furrowed as she looked at the birth certificate. "I... I signed up for the lab experiments..."

The two heroes weren't sure on how to react, especially when she looked them right in the eyes as she admitted it.

"Don't- don't think that I signed up for all the killing and-.... I didn't know they'd do that.... all I knew was that I'd undergo a program where they'd train you and-...." she choked on her words, looking down in shame. "And... become a hero..."

"Hoshiko-" Yamada thought it would be too early to use her name on her, but he couldn't just keep calling her girl until she allowed him to use that name.

"I-I'm sorry!" The girl, Hoshiko exclaimed, making you and the boy jump. "I-It's just... my mom was still alive then and-... and I wanted to at least get her medicine a-and they said that they'd pay... they'd pay for my mom's expenses as long as I'd join and-and-.. I-I didnt know they'd make use do that- do those things-"

She was cut off by Yamada placing a hand on hers. Her heterochromic eyes connected with Yamada's green ones. He gave her a small smile, "Its alright... you were just a kid who wanted to save her mom... you didn't know and its not your fault."

She wrapped her arms around him as she let go of the tears she had been holding back and hiding behind a smile.

Aizawa looked over to the boy and saw how he looked at Hoshiko then at his own birth certificate.

The man could see the boy'd troubled look, a sad distressed look.

"I- I can't remember... anything bef-ore... d-does that make... me bad?" The boy, Shohei, looked up from the paper and into Aizawa's warm brown eyes.

His steel grey eyes only reminding Aizawa of someone he knew.

"No... you're not bad... you can't blame yourself." But deep in his mind, he was also hesitant. They were trained kids for years, who knows if Shohei's just playing amnesia victim with them.

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