26: Miss you

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"Is Shohei still not coming to school?" Sero asked Hoshiko as she walked into class alone. She just gave them a small smile- unlike her  usually big toothy grin.

"Yeah, and Aizawa sensei as well?" Jirou questioned as they watched her settle in her chair. It was a rainy Monday, a week after the incident in Hosu; a week after the near death and capture of the Hero Killer Stain.

Deku, Iida and Todoroki were also caught in it, only farther from where your destruction occurred. They went face to face with Stain, fighting their lives as well.

They sustained injuries and were somewhat reprimanded. That was when the three saw their homeroom teacher once again in bandages as he talked to them about their situation, ignoring their questions about his.

"There was another villain that needed to be handled in another area near there." Was all Aizawa  explained to them before leaving their room.

For the two days the three had stayed there, they hadn't seen or heard from Aizawa. As far as they knew, he was injured as well. A little more roughed up than them.

They stayed in Hosu Hospital for two days before being released and allowed to go back to class, only to find out their homeroom teacher and classmate hadn't come back yet.

That was a week ago. What happened to them now? What happened to you?

Hoshiko sighed and prepared for class, quietly. The class was extremely concerned.

Hoshiko was usually the loud and bubbly one... and now she had gone quite quiet.

Three days after the incident, they learned that Present Mic and Hoshiko went to visit Aizawa and Shohei, only to come back... quieter.

Hoshiko was usually the loudmouth in the class, the one who was almost always called out for being a little too noisy or a little too rowdy. She was the jokester and the only bold one to even try to tease and bully (in a joking and not too serious manner) Bakugou. 

But she wasn't that Hoshiko at the moment.

Her sudden tone down was worrying. Although she would still joke around, but not as much as before. 

"Hoshiko?" one of her classmates called to her.

She turned to them and gave a small smile. "Quit being a worrywart will ya? Hei's just gotten a cold and decided to stay home... like the baby he is."

Deku looked at his classmates worriedly, "do you think someone's seriously hurt? Because I think someone is." He saw the agreeing faces.

"Oh quit worrying!" Bakugou growled. "Aizawa-sensei's probably got hero things to do and that stupid tiny brat he called a son might just actually be snoozing in bed! Quit making a big deal!" He grunted, taking a seat and looking at the faces of his classmates. "Of all we know fucking half'nhalf here might just have those monthly mood swings."

They looked over to Hoshiko, but still no attempt to joke around Bakugou. For a week, she been like that since their visit in the hospital. Present Mic had toned down as well, still loud, but there wasn't much life anymore. Like he was trying so hard to pretend to be happy. Even Midnight had lost her flare.

Something was really wrong.

"Do you think-"

"Morning." Aizawa's hoarse voice made them look at him in surprise. He was back, walking to his seat tiredly.

They crowded him, questioning him what had happened and why he and Shohei was gone for a week. He just looked up at them with his glowing eyes, hair floating up. He glared at them darkly, "Its too early for this." They backed off and he sighed, "Sorry... its been a rough week... nothing you kids need to stick you nose into... ." He told them and headed to his desk and readied his lecture material, looking at how Hoshiko had been for the morning.

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