27: Visit from the Tiger

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Rosefield stared at the window that showed where you were. You were blank, staring at the wall for hours til end, refusing to have anyone accompany you. 

She had noticed how you lacked sleep and proper nutrition as you also started to refuse eating the food they gave you. 

it was a pitiful sight. It was heart-breaking, but something stopped Rosefield from walking into your room and comforting you. Her hand shook as it slowly went to grab the door knob, but her other hand stopped her. 

She hissed and turned to leave, she didn't like how you were reacting, but she convinced herself that distance was the best... or you could  end up exploding if your trust towards the only person you actually felt comfortable with was broken.


"Hey Eraser!" Vlad called out, "You said she was allowed to come by today?" He asked Aizawa as he held Bucky, who wiggled his nonexistent tail in anticipation for you

It had been almost a week since your therapy started and only the second time Aizawa had visited. Rosefield said you could be brought out and join Aizawa as he worked in UA, but...

"Sorry, Vlad." Aizawa frowned. "Something came up... they didn't let her out." Vlad and the other teachers gave the man an apologetic look.

They've missed you. You were their little cutie who brightened up the place. And now you were gone... well it was just sad.

"Oh." Vlad frowned. He loved it when you'd play with Bucky, it was the reason why he's been bringing his dog to school recently. "It's fine. What came up?" He patted Bucky's head as the dog whimpered.

Aizawa scratched his head, "They said that there wasn't much progress and thought it would be better to refrain from too much visits with other people." They all nodded as Aizawa went to his desk to finish up his work.

He's missed you so much.

He felt lonely despite having Shohei at home. There was no little girl walking around the house, continuously inspecting everything even when she'd been told what the item was. There was no one to water the plants in the balcony and talk to them like they were responsive humans. No one to pet the cats and hug them goodnight. No one to sleep by Aizawa at night.

Life just wasn't life without you in it.

Aizawa sighed, looking over the calendar to see if it was his scheduled visit. Still tomorrow. He frowned a bit. Days were longer without you. He looked over to the quizzes he had checked and got them, looking at the back of the papers to see the students' drawings, all waiting for a response from you, who had somewhat made it a habit to draw a smily face on the back.

"Sho, want some coffee?" Yamada offered him a cup and he took it. The blonde took a seat beside Aizawa and smiled sadly. "Day's always different without little listener, eh? I wonder how I lived my life before meeting (Y/n)."

Aizawa chuckled, "I ask myself that almost all the time." He took a sip of his coffee. "I try to remember it, but I just can't seem to remember the feeling before all of this happened."

As they conversed, Yagi had walked in and was greeted by Bucky's bark. "Oh hey, does he need to go to the vet again?"

"Nah." Vlad shook his head turning to Yagi. "Brought him cause I thought Eraser's gonna bring the little squirt over... seems like the therapists just changed their minds."

Yagi nodded, not really understanding a word he said. He took his opportunity to learn more about this little girl everyone's been talking about.

"May I ask who exactly is this 'little squirt'? Are they connected to the child named (Y/n) by any chance."

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