Chapter 16

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I was sitting upstairs in the shop looking out cheerfully waiting for Fred to come back he then entered through a window.

"Was it a success?" I asked.

"Yes the target is dead and Sherlock's name has been written on the floor" Fred nodded "They should be discovered very soon."

"Good work" I nodded.

"I also picked these up on the way I hope you like them" Fred held something out.

I saw they were flowers I took them gratefully and noticed they are primroses making me feel loved "Fred what are the meaning of this flower?" I asked.

He was looking away blushing "They mean that I can't live without you" He mumbled and looked back to me.

I stood up and hugged him he's so sweet he hugged me back happily.

I went down to wait for the news of Sherlock's arrest and Moran and Fred sat with me at one of the tables watching me eat some of the cakes "Is this amusing to you?" I asked not understanding why I'm getting such a loving smile from Moran.

"Your smile while you eat is so pure it's the best one" Moran smirked.

I grinned then Fred got up "I will get you some more," He told me.

"BLUE ROSE!!" The shop door was slammed open everyone looked to Sherlock like he's insane but he didn't care.

I got up and Moran and Fred went off to blend in Sherlock looked around then grinned brightly spotting me.

"Come drink with us there's a new tavern in town" Sherlock pointed behind him.

Watson was there at the entrance behind him sighing he gave me an apologetic smile "He really is your mother sometimes and you're the child" I sighed.

"You don't see me as a man" He whined.

"Can you act like one?" I walked by him.

"A challenge" Sherlock grinned "I can show you how much-"

Sherlock paused "There's a thorn here" He looked around feeling glares on him.

"Thorn?" Watson said confused.

"Has he been drinking already?" I asked to change the subject.

"Hey!" Sherlock yelled making me laugh.

I looked to Moran and saw he was intent on following us "I hope you don't mind joining us?" Watson spoke up making me turn to him.

"I don't mind at all I do like a drink every now and then especially with such great company" I grinned.

We both went out and Sherlock ran after us "Like what kind of company? Devilishly handsome men? Smooth talkers?"

"I already know some so I assume it feels like home to me" I shrugged and he paused to take a moment to think what that means.

We got there making Sherlock remember something else "This is also a meeting where John will be screened by Miss Hudson our landlady and your smoothing presence will help" Sherlock explained to me.

"So I'm being used," I said faking shock.

"Wait!" Sherlock panicked we both just laughed at him.

"You just moved in?" I asked Watson.

"Yes just two days ago, we haven't had time" He laughed nervously.

"Yes, an angel fell from the heavens gracing us with her presence" Sherlock smirked as he opened the door for me.

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