Chapter 27

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"THE QUEEN!?" Moran exclaimed as I read the letter.

"Louis get a carriage ready for me I will be going to the royal palace" I ordered.

"Its late (name) and you're tired shouldn't you go tomorrow morning?" Louis asked me.

"No this is a royal order I need to go now and I can't let this chance slip from my grasp" I smirked.

"Seems (name) has something in mind" William laughed "Would you like me to assist you in dressing?"

I was a little shocked since he has never offered before "Well Louis will be busy" I laughed.

"I'm better for the job" Moran interrupted and he was frowning.

"You flush at a glance at her undergarments" Fred retorted.

"Hey (name) how about you let me borrow some to help my tolerance go u-" Moran got hit by Louis.

"Enough of that (name) needs to go as quick as she can so she can come back and have a well deserved rest" Louis sighed.

I got a few layers added to my clothes since its already late and William did help me, he chose what he thinks would look good on me but there was one problem he can't make a choice.

"We can't take too long" I sighed.

"All of these will bring your beauty down we should get you more dresses" William sighed.

Thankfully Louis came in and chose instead.

I was soon in front of the carriage ready to go "Thank you Louis your my saviour" I laughed.

"My brother is brilliant at many things but he lacks some skills, so I learned those" Louis grinned at me while William pouted.

It was rare for William to react that way.

"Your the best at supporting me I'm grateful you're here," I told Louis.

He blushed "Your my motivation and I always wanted to be able to stand by your side."

He was so sweet "Now I will be going," I informed them.

I felt something being put around my neck and I saw it was Fred putting his scarf around my neck "Its cold and your neck is exposed" He explained.

I pat his head and he blushed, he was going to hide his face in his scarf but it was around my neck so he panicked not knowing what to do making me laugh.

I was helped into my carriage by Moran "I will carry you in when you come back as sleeping beauty" Moran winked at me as he closed the door.

I got to the palace and was taken further in than is usually allowed with a carriage since the queen wants me in quick.

I was led by a servant towards the throne room and I found Mycroft Holmes standing there with his mouth is hanging open like a fish staring at me.

I couldn't help but laugh he coughed then recomposed himself "Beg your pardon for my disrespectful reaction but may I ask why you are here?" He asked me.

"I'm here to see her Majesty" I held up the letter between two of my fingers.

He was shocked then smirked "Your even more interesting" He laughed.

"Her majesty is ready to see you both" The butler informed us.

The doors were opened and we walked in I did the best curtsy my leg would allow me to do "Greetings your majesty I sincerely apologise for being late, the boys were frantic" I explained.

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