Chapter 37

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"Albert!" I exclaimed delighted to see him and hugged him when I got off my carriage.

He was surprised then hugged me back happily "Its wonderful to see you (name) and you too Louis" Albert smiled at him then kissed my head not once but a couple of times showing how much he missed me.

"I'm glad to see you're doing well to, I will tell brother how you are when we go back," Louis grinned,

Albert started to let go of me then his hold weirdly tightened more than before, I was confused until I heard a cough and saw Mycroft "May I know why my superior is here to greet my fiance?" Albert asked with a forced smile.

"I swore my absolute loyalty to the Pandora Family so it shouldn't be strange for me to greet the head, I only want to offer up my services if they are needed" Mycroft smirked.

Albert's smile dropped and I laughed breaking the silence "I'm sure you have some questions about the recent news" I looked to Mycroft.

"Yes I do" Mycroft confirmed.

"Albert, can you let go of (name)? Your hug is making her go up onto her toes and that will put pressure on her leg," Louis asked of him.

"Oh, sorry (name)" Albert apologised as he let go.

"Its fine, I actually didn't notice since I missed being in your arms" I grinned "Thank you, Louis."

"Your well being is my top priority" Louis gave me a gentle smile.

"That has always been true, (name) had that cold when we were younger and you were by her side crying begging her to live and you promised to work hard to make sure she is never ill again" Albert laughed as Louis got flustered.

"I know how it feels to be ill and I want to make sure she doesn't suffer like I did" Louis explained "She has already suffered so much."

I hugged him since he's to sweet "Well let's go in" Mycroft went in first then Louis went in and I followed after.

"Another part of me is very excited to see you" Albert whispered in my ear behind me and put a hand on the inside of my hip.

I put my hands to my face and tried to get my words out but just stuttered "Brother, what did you say?" Louis sighed.

Albert was just smiling happily as he put his hands behind his back.

We got to Mycroft's office and I sat down in a chair while Albert immediately sat in the one next to me as he gave Mycroft a suspicious look and Louis stood next to me.

"The Jack the Ripper incident that took place the other day when a common enemy appeared before both the Yard and the public, moments before they were about to come to blows, their hostility turned to solidarity in the blink of an eye" Mycroft grinned.

"Might one say that this was a brief glimpse of the Moriarty Plan?" He asked.

We all grinned "Nonetheless, this incident.." Albert frowned.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Have you read the paper?" Mycroft questioned me.

"No, we left early this morning so we could come here and be back in time for lunch" Louis answered.

"Here" Mycroft handed me the paper for today "It does not appear to be over just yet, the Jack the Ripper, who no longer even exists has been arrested by the Yard."

"The suspect is a doctor and there is only one pathetic connection" I sighed.

"It is obvious that this is a case of false charge due to fabricated evidence" Louis added.

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