Chapter 2

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Albert was always with me after keeping me company as I heal and was the only one who went with me to my parents funeral many commoners came along since my family donated a lot to help them.

They came up to me to give me their sincere apologies.

Some nobles did come but they didn't have sincere intentions who would have guessed "Why did we have to come here?" A wife whispered to her husband during the funeral.

"Because one of the Pandora family is still alive she must be cursed and it could come after us next" He shushed her.

I was looking behind me seeing them and I was in a wheelchair I saw Albert's hands were clenched so much they are going white.

"Calm down" I put my hand on his.

He smiled at me I motioned for him to bend down he did and I whispered in his ear "There was a certain reason they are standing there look below" I told him.

He looked to them to see their shoes are right near some dog poop "My parents said for their funeral they want all the asses on that side with a farewell gift" I grinned.

Albert laughed a little and after the funeral was over we heard them crying about it being all over their shoes making me laugh with Albert.

My parents wouldn't want me to give them a sad send-off they want to be able to see me still smiling even if they aren't here.

Sadly our smiles left us when we got back.

Albert picked me up bridal style when we were in my room and put me on my bed "Sorry you have to do this" I apologised.

"I like picking you up you fit right into my arms" He grinned.

Sometime later I got the full results of my injuries from the doctor.

"So some of the muscles in my thigh won't ever heal" I mumbled looking down at it I had my dress slightly up to show some of the burns it was all over my thigh it will leave a hideous scar in the end.

"The muscles are damaged and won't ever heal but you can still walk you just need support and to use your muscles again" Albert held up a cane that I will be using from now on, "The doctor said you might be able to walk without a cane or even run a little in the future if you don't put to much stress on your leg."

I haven't walked for quite a while I had to let everything heal first I was nervous to try and walk.

Albert noticed my nerves "We can start in this room" Albert reassured me that it will be just us.

I have met the rest of his family his mother is annoying and seems to be afraid of me she yelled at her husband when I first came here "You know the story of the pandora box! You're going to kill us by bringing her here!"

It's funny when we run into her and she dives into a room to avoid me she has smashed her face into a wall once.

William, Albert's younger brother is a nightmare he hurts servants even when they don't make a mistake I hope someone stabs him back with those forks one day I might be the one to do it soon if I can get close enough.

I got poked on the forehead making me come back to reality "Your look lovely when your deep in thought but I would love to see you walk again once you do I have a place I want to take you I know it will bring your beautiful smile back" Albert held up the cane.

"You already do that," I told him and he blushed.

I took the cane he then went to my side to take my free hand to support me I got off the bed and my legs felt very weak but I was standing with his help.

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