Chapter 45

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Later on, it was night and Albert called me and William to his room, I was in my nightgown with a robe over it.

I knocked on his door "Come in" Albert called out to me.

I opened the door and looked in to see Albert and William smiling at me "Oh, were you about to go to sleep?" William asked.

"I plan to go to sleep after this" I reassured him "But you are still in your suit, don't stay up to late."

"Thank you for worrying about me" William grinned.

I then looked to Albert and it was weird for me to see his hair all wet it and he was wearing a robe like me.

"Your eyes are lingering" Albert pointed out.

"I like seeing you like this, you are usually all neat" I grinned and played with some of his hair.

"Everything is ready" William informed us as I sat down "I would like to put Mr Whiteley to the test tomorrow."

"I also have what you both requested ready to go" Albert held out the file to William.

"Thank you very much, brother" William accepted it.

"I only hope that he like us, someone who can move forward despite the accompanying pain" Albert mumbled.

"I rather him just stop before he loses everything" I stared out of a window.

I then felt a yawn come along and I felt myself get kissed on the cheek, I was surprised and looked to see it was William, he then picked me up "Our meeting is over so time you get your rest we will leave earlier tomorrow."

"You are going the wrong way" I mumbled as I was put down in Albert's bed.

"Its the nearest spot and I want to see how you would look in my bed" Albert admitted.

I sighed but laid down under the cover and they both sat on the edge of the bed "We will be here until you fall asleep so you don't need to worry, we won't ever leave you" William promised me and moved my hair out of my face.

"So rest easy and forget everything, for now, you deserve a good rest" Albert rubbed my shoulder.

I grinned seeing how much they care about me they must have got concerned from what I said some awful memories did come up but I can't remember what they were anymore.

"Thank you" I took a hold of William's hand with my own and closed my eyes.

I fell asleep immediately.

I woke up to some sunlight and saw there was someone in front of me "Good morning, its a pleasant sight seeing you in my bed" Albert grinned at me.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, he's changing his shirt and he hasn't done up the buttons it's just open making me blush since it was such a surprise.

"Sorry for the surprise" He laughed as he did up his shirt.

"No, its fine, it was the best surprise yet" I admitted making him smirk "Where did you sleep last night?"

"In my chair" He pointed at the one next to my bed, he kept his promise and stayed with me all night making me smile "William was here too but he left a little while ago because Louis dragged him out since he was annoyed he didn't get changed out of his suit."

I helped Albert do up his tie like I usually do and after that, I went to my own room to get changed, "So?" I asked Albert when I saw him downstairs.

He stared at me confused while holding his tea "And I thought you said you wanted to see me when I try my new clothes on?" I smirked.

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