Chapter 66

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I went to the palace with Henry and Sherlock wasn't happy about it and was yelling that he was the one marrying me not Henry.

I got many looks of pity since Sherlock still looks like an old man.

We went into the palace and when a guard tried to stop us I showed him a letter with the stamp of the French Government, it informed him that I was the ambassador of France.

They quickly bowed and moved back "I'm sorry, my lady!" He exclaimed cautiously since relations between England and France are tense right now, but I have put a stop to that by being the connection between them.

"Oh, it's fine, you're protecting your queen, I'm glad to see the guards are efficient at their jobs" I grinned.

I went past him "Are they?" Henry asked me.

"No" I laughed "You have a gun on you, he should have asked to see my face as well since I'm still hiding my identity and could be some random angry commoner or noble that wants to stab her or I'm just bored."

We went to the throne room and were allowed to enter when I showed them the letter.

Her majesty had a sceptical look as I walked in with Henry, then we bowed "I greet her majesty and must beg for forgiveness that I have been away for so long, but I did not miss the paperwork" I bowed to her.

I looked up to see her giving me a sad smile and I took off the veil "Welcome home (name), I have been informed of everything that ensued, I'm sorry" She apologised shocking me a little "I failed to reform the country myself and you had to take such sacrifices that nearly cost you your life."

"And her first kiss" Henry added and I made him bow his head to her majesty.

"That was Sherlock, please do not mix us up," I asked of him "Your majesty, this is Billy the Kid also known as Henry Artim."

"Its an honour to meet you" Henry grinned.

"Another one?" She smirked behind her hand.

"No, but I will be making a choice soon" I informed her.

"We will have a big ball for the wedding" She immediately decided.

"Your majesty I reject" I spoke up "I do not want to be surrounded by pigs on my wedding day, even something smaller seems to be more fitting for me."

"The Great Lady Pandora, comes back alive and marries the person she loves the most in the most extravagant way, showing to the whole world that she is happy," Her majesty told me the effect it will have.

"Peace between England and France is assured if you treat me well your majesty" I grinned making her smirk "I have made many connections in my leave so you might want to be even more careful now."

"Who I marry will have a say to" I informed her "But showing off the man I choose does seem tempting, I just need to find them."

I saw her frown making me sigh "How many of them are being stupid?" I asked.

"The one with the name Moran has disappeared, and Albert Moriarty..." She looked to be getting a headache.

"He's in the tower, isn't he?" I asked.

"Yes" She sighed while I groaned, Henry groaned to just join in.

"I told him not to be stupid and there he is playing Rapunzel" I mumbled "May I take him out of his cage, later?"

"Yes, I would like for him to leave, that is not a place for someone like him" She informed me.

"Perfect now, one last thing, is there a chance that the Polygamy law could be abolished?" I asked and she laughed and so did Henry.

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